September in a Nutshell

That’s a Wrap!

The month of September is the start of birthday season in my house and this year everyone has big birthdays, so my social life has proven rather hectic. The crazy social calendar combined with being extremely busy at my day job left me feeling as if I just did not find enough time for reading this month. There are always so many books I wish I can find the time for.

Somehow, I did manage to add fourteen new reviews to the blog this month. I guess being busy left me feeling like I was not achieving much while I did not do too badly.

If you missed any of the September reviews, here is a summary of what we covered.

01 September – You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry

So… I think I might have an unpopular opinion when it comes to this book. Everything I read about this book before reading was how amazing it was and what an amazing author Emily Henry was. And sadly, after reading the book I felt that it was just okay.  

02 September – Hidden Pieces by Mary Keliikoa

I received an email about this book and I feel terrible that I must admit I have no idea who that was. This book proved to be an entertaining read that kept me glued to the pages from start to end. This one is well worth checking out.

05 September – Fake Alibi by Leigh Russell

I am new to Leigh Russell and the DI Geraldine Steel Series, so I was concerned that I might have missed too much to enjoy this book. The good news, while there are some references to past events, this book manages to hold its own and can easily be read as a standalone novel. It’s worth knowing that you do not need to work through the previous seventeen books before reaching for this one.

07 September – The Midnight Club by Christopher Pike

Thank you to Jonathan Ball Publishers for this review copy. This book follows a group of teenagers who are all in a hospice. Every night they meet up and tell stories to each other. They eventually make a pact that when one of them dies, they will try to contact the group.

09 September – The Collective by Alison Gaylin

This was my second Alison Gaylin book, and her work is brilliant. I have no idea why I have not read more of her work. She is a creative storyteller that draws you into her story and keep you hooked right to the last page.

12 September – The Velocity of Blood by MJ Williams

I had no idea what was awaiting me when I reached for this blog tour book. This book is a gripping tale that looks at mass shootings and gun laws in the States while leaving you engrossed in a creative tale. I fell in love with Mr Orange and later found out the author based this cat on his childhood pet cat.

15 September – The Millionaire’s Wife by Shalini Boland

Shalini Boland is my author of choice when I am looking for something a little lighter. This audio book kept me engrossed like no other audiobook ever has. I enjoy her work and look forward to reading more from her.

16 September – One Step Too Far by Lisa Gardner

Lisa Gardner is one of my favourite authors. I have never been left disappointed when reaching for one of her books. This book, the second Frankie Elkin book, was a fabulously adventures read. I look forward to reading more about this character.

19 September – Layla by Colleen Hoover (Alicia’s Review)

Like many other Colleen Hoover books, I have read, this one was almost addicting. I found it so hard to put it down and when I did all I thought about was picking it up again. I read this in three days, which is crazy fast for me nowadays.

20 September – The Anniversary by Laura Marshall

I ordered this book in July because I loved the look of it – I can kick myself for waiting so long to read it. This is a brilliant read that left me reading late into the night! I cannot recommend this one highly enough.

21 September – Slammed by Colleen Hoover

Leave it to Colleen Hoover to make me an emotional mess for the second time within a week. I had just finished Layla then I decided this one had been sitting on my shelf a lot longer than Layla had so it only seemed fair that I finally read it.

Considering this is Colleen Hoover’s debut novel it was amazing, it still had that CoHo feel that all her other books have.

22 September – Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Everyone has been raving about this book so reading it was never a question. While this is not my genre of choice, Alicia assured me that I would love this author’s work. My first response to this book… WOW! This was a fantastic read that left tears rolling down my cheeks – I cannot wait to read more of TJR’s books!

26 September – The Patient by Jane Shemilt

I saw this book on social media and found myself intrigued. I had to add this one to my TBR and after it has been sitting on my shelf for a while, I was very excited to finally find the time to read it. This book had a slow start, that quickly turned into a book I could not walk away from. I loved it!

28 September – Layla by Colleen Hoover (Zelda’s Review)

After reading Colleen Hoover’s Verity, I could not wait to get my hands on this book. What a surprise! This book was not what I was expecting at all. It was an engrossing read, but if I did not promise Alicia that I would keep an open mind I might not have finished this one.


My book of the month selection might leave my regular readers a little surprised. I selected this one as my book of the month because it is not my genre of choice and it managed to leave me wowed!

You guessed it, my book of the month is: Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

This is a highly entertaining, emotional read that will leave you in tears! A fantastic read you really should be adding to your TBR.

That’s it, September has reached an end. Thank you for visiting the blog, I hope you will find at least one book here to add to your TBR. If you do, remember to drop me a line to share your thoughts. Alicia has a small break from school during October so you can look forward to a few extra reviews from her during October. Until next time… Happy Read!

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