Title: The Velocity of Blood
Author: MJ Williams
ISBN: B09Z726521
Publisher: Dark Stroke Books
Pages: 326
Source: Review copy from Publisher
Blog Tour Organised by Random Things Tours

It’s not murder if they deserve it. It’s Justice.
Jack Tolleson has done nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. But that doesn’t stop him being viciously bullied. Online and offline. Twenty-four hours a day. Every day.
Every. Single. Day.
One day in October, dehumanised and stripped of his very identity, he breaks.
Jack wants revenge. Carefully calculated revenge. Justice.
Jack is willing to do whatever it takes to get even. He’s going to do something that’s never been done before. And when he’s done, you’ll remember his name.
You’ll remember his name for the rest of your life…
Official Summary
12 September 2022
I was not sure what to expect when I opened this book. It turned out to be a rather disturbing tale that looks at school bullying, gun laws in America and one fat kid who decided he has had enough. When you reach for this book you can expect an intriguing read that will keep you wondering.
The author tells the story from various characters’ points of view, allowing you to see the story unfold from different angles. This allows you to feel involved as various opinions are voiced and you are left amazed by some characters’ thought processes. The Velocity of Blood touches on some very serious issues which the author wraps into a creative tale that makes for an entertaining read.
Jack Tolleson is just another teenage boy, doing his best to keep his head down and get through each day. He is tall and overweight which makes him a target for the popular kids. Things start slowly, but before too long Jack is completely isolated. When his tears finally dry up, he is left with only anger. Jack’s anger leaves him determined to ensure that they never forget his name. No matter what, he will be remembered.
This book digs deep, I found my heart breaking for Jack. No one deserves what he had to endure. The bullies were creative and at times I was left with a guilty smile on my face. Nothing can justify what Jack ended up doing, but you are left almost understanding his actions, and that is scary.
The characters in this book were realistic and it was easy to understand the role each one played. Jack steals your heart, despite what he ends up doing. Jack’s mother, sharing her pain after the shooting makes you think twice about forming opinions about people.
As for Nick and Chris, the podcast presenters – this is why I do not listen to podcasts – is that what they are like? These two guys just irritated me. They are riding a wave but at the same time, they really do not seem to have a clue. I did not like them at all. The author did an awesome job with these two.
Naturally, Mr Orange was the star of this book. I loved the cat and his consistent appearance which added a loving touch to the story.
This is a book that will leave you considering various issues. It’s a creative look at gun laws and the effects of bullying. While highlighting our need for an easy explanation. We want things wrapped up nice and neat, allowing us to understand why something happened. If anything, The Velocity of Blood shows that not all crimes can be predicted, not all criminals can be placed in categories and not every tragedy can be prevented.
You are embarking on a deeply moving, thought-provoking read when you reach for this book. I would recommend this one to parents with teens who enjoy a psychological thriller. Once you finish this book, you will want to take a closer look at your teen and what is going on in their lives, if not their heads.
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About The Author
Author bio from the publisher
MJ Williams started writing twisty short stories on airplanes as a means – alongside medically inadvisable quantities of coffee – of staving off jetlag. Walking through Regents Park one bright March morning and faffing around on Twitter (where he can be found @jumpingbackward) he came across Cambridge University’s Masters degree in Crime & Thriller Writing. A eureka moment ensued, a short story submitted, and the rest is history. His day job is in economics and he savours the opportunity to bump off many of his friends and colleagues with his pen.
Thank you to Anne Cater, from Random Things Tours, for including me in this blog tour. This is a book with a difference. You won’t want to miss this one. Thank you for visiting the blog and reading my review, I hope you enjoy this book. Until next time…Happy Reading!

Thanks for the blog tour suppport x
Always a pleasure
Great review!
Thank you