The Silent Brother Book Review

Title: The Silent Brother

Author: Simon Van der Velde


Publisher: Northodox Press

Pages: 263

Source: Review copy from the author

When his beloved little brother is stolen away, five-year-old Tommy Farrier is left alone with his alcoholic mam, his violent step-dad and his guilt. Too young to understand what has really happened, Tommy is sure of only one thing. He is to blame. Tommy tries to be good, to live-up to his brother’s increasingly hazy memory, but trapped in a world of shame and degradation he grows up with just two options; poverty or crime. And crime pays. Or so he thinks.

A teenage drug-dealer for the vicious Burns gang, Tommy’s life is headed for disaster, until, in the place he least expects, Tommy sees a familiar face…

And then things get a whole lot worse.

Official Summary

20 June 2022

I loved Backstories – Simon van der Velde’s first book – this author is creative and entertaining. So, when Simon reached out asking if I would read his second book I did not hesitate. The Silent Brother is completely different. While the story is riddled with references to music and events from the past, this book is a heartbreaking, raw look at the life of a young boy who has no one looking out for him. The author draws you into a world of alcohol, abuse and the life of a child with very few options available to him.

Simon van der Velde is a talented author that deserves a lot more attention. This book is deeply moving and has you feeling every rough edge on this fabulous young character. As you turn these pages you feel yourself transported to the streets of Newcastle while Tommy’s fears ooze off each page. This book is beautifully written and full of emotion. I suggest keeping a tissue at hand.

Tommy and his little brother, Benjy, live in an abusive home. When Social Services step in and take little Benjy away, five-year-old Tommy is left to fend for himself while blaming himself for not saving Benjy. Carrying this guilt, he watches as booze steals the life from his once beautiful mother, and he ends up making some questionable decisions. When he meets Annie, he is finally given a reason to save himself, confront his past and find a way to move forward.

This book is heartbreaking. While I understand how easily people can end up losing themselves in a bottle when life gets hard, I still find myself infuriated when they drag their children down with them. It happens every day, and still, it leaves my blood boiling. I found myself angry with the boys’ mother for her lack of interest in her children. The author did a great job of stirring my emotions while reading this book.

How can you not love this little boy? Tommy never had a chance, no one was looking out for him. As a five-year-old, he was the one protecting his little brother. Even his grandmother did not do him any favours telling him how it was up to him to look after his mother and brother. He was a child! Putting that responsibility on his little shoulders was so unfair.

Tommy made some terrible choices, yet I understood each one, what else was this child supposed to do. I was angry with his mother and angry with social services and as for Daryl – well I think it would be best to keep my opinion of him to myself.

This book pushed all my buttons, I found myself being furious, and heartbroken while reading this book. The author managed to keep me glued to the pages, so yes, this title has been added to my loved list for 2022.

If you are looking for a book that will keep you flicking pages as you are dropped into an abusive household, a drug gang’s operations and the mind of a young boy desperately seeking love – then this is the book for you. While reading The Silent Brother, it is hard to keep your emotions in check, I had to constantly remind myself this was fiction. By the time I reached the last page, I would have loved to spend 5 minutes alone with Tommy’s mother – I have a few things I would love to say to her!

Go ahead, add this one to your TBR – you will not be disappointed.

Also by Simon van der Velde


Backstories is a unique collection of stories each told from the point of view of a famous, (or notorious) person at a pivotal moment in their lives. The writing is literary but accessible and the voices vividly real. The settings are mostly 60’s and 70’s UK and USA, and the driving themes are inclusion, social justice and of course, nostalgia – but the real key to these stories is that the protagonists’ identities are withheld. This means that your job is to find them, leading to that Eureka moment when you realise who’s mind you’ve been inhabiting for the last twenty minutes.

About The Author

Author bio from the author’s site

Simon Van der Velde was born and educated in Newcastle upon Tyne where he trained and practiced as a lawyer. Writing, however, was always the real passion and Simon has now left the legal profession in order to concentrate on his writing. Since completing a creative writing M.A. (with distinction) at University of Northumbria in 2011, Simon’s work has won and been short-listed for numerous awards including; The Yeovil Literary Prize, (twice), The Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal, The Wasafiri New Writing Prize, The Luke Bitmead Bursary, The Frome Short Story Prize, The Writers’ and Artists’ Short Story Prize, The Harry Bowling Prize, The Henshaw Press Short Story Competition and The National Association of Writers’ Groups Open Competition.

Simon is the founder and chair of Gosforth Writers Group and author of the widely acclaimed, Amazon bestseller, Backstories, ‘the stand-out most original book of the year’ in 2021. His literary crime novel, The Silent Brother is published on 16th June 2022 by Northodox Press. Simon is currently working on both Backstories II and his follow-up crime novel, Dogwood.

Having travelled throughout Europe and South America, Simon now lives in Newcastle upon Tyne with his wife, labradoodle and two tyrannical children.

Thank you, Simon van der Velde for this fabulous read. I enjoyed every minute I spent reading this book. I cannot recommend The Silent Brother highly enough. This dark, moving story will echo in the back of my mind for a long time. Moms, you will be left with a need to hug your children by the time you finish this one.

Thank you for visiting the blog yet again, your continued support is appreciated. Until next time…Happy Reading!

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