The Rule of Three Book Review


Author: Sam Ripley

ISBN: 9781398514980 

Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK

Pages: 384

Source: Review copy from the publisher

Blog Tour Organised by Random Things Tours

That’s the one.
That’s the girl who’s going to die.
I didn’t believe in the Rule of Three. Not at first.
It was just one of those urban myths you hear about all the time.
A story my boyfriend told me about a girl cursed by the number three.
A girl whose parents had killed themselves after her sibling had died in an accident.
Which meant that she was doomed to die too because that’s the Rule of Three. 
Bad things always happen in threes, they say, and they are right.
Because it’s happening again.
But this time the curse is coming for me.
And worst of all?
It’s coming for you, too.

Official Summary

05 July 2023

Imagine you know you are going to die, what would you do? This book takes you on a journey with three young women each one knows they are going to die and their time is running out as they struggle to fight the odds. This thriller is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat as the suspense builds.

This is an unusual read that was a little difficult to get into. You are introduced to each character in turn and the first young woman was not my favourite. The author eases you into a suspense-filled tale and before to log you discover you are completely engrossed and unable to walk away.

When Ila hears an urban legend on campus, she does not pay much attention. The story is about a student whose parents committed suicide after her sister died in a car accident – and then she died as well. Because bad things always happen in threes – that’s the rule of three. When Ila notices similarities to her own life, she is driven to prove that it’s just a story. However, when she finds out that Amy was real and that there is truth to her story, Ila is determined not to be next.

I struggled to get into this book. The first character, Amy, annoyed me. I understood her grief at losing her entire family, but her drugged thoughts did not always make sense and keeping up with her story was not easy. I found her extremely frustrating. If you can make it through the first part of this book you will soon find yourself in for a treat. Believe me, it does get better. When you are introduced to Ila, the pieces of Amy’s puzzle start falling into place and by the time Eve makes an appearance you will not want to walk away.

This is a book that demands patience from the reader. At times I was tempted to give up on it. I found myself stuck in a young woman’s mind who was constantly on drugs both legal and illegal and consumed by grief. This made for a rather depressing start to the story. Amy’s regular attempts at taking her own life did not make this part of the story easy to read. However, as I kept reading, I understood the importance of this part of the story. If you are tempted to give up, please keep reading. Despite is difficult start of this story you will be rewarded if you keep going.

The Rule of Three turned out to be a clever look at the power an urban legend can have in our lives. Is it just a story? Most legends start with some truth after all. I am happy that I did not give up on this book, if I did, I would have missed out on the fantastic second part of this story. When you reach for this book, you can expect to find yourself completely engrossed and unable to walk away as the suspense builds.

If you are a patient read, then you will love the reward this book delivers. However, be warned that the first part of this story is rather depressing and will most like leave you feeling a little down.


About The Author

Author bio from the author’s site

Sam Ripley is the fulltime author of the Victor series of thrillers, the standalone thriller A Knock at the Door, and two ebook novellas. ​He was previously a video editor, with credits including the Big Brother website and motorsport DVDs, as well as scriptwriting.

Thank you to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for including me on this blog tour. If this book was not for a blog tour, I am not sure if I would have seen it through. The commitment I made kept me reading when I was tempted to give up. Thanks to that, I endure and discovered that it was worth it. The Rule of Three left me surprised and I am happy that I finished this book. When you read this book, please let me know what you thought – I am eager to know what other readers think of this one.

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