By C.J. Tudor
She Sleeps, A pale girl in a white room…
Driving home one evening, stuck behind a rusty old car, Gabe sees a little girl’s face appear in the rear window. She mouths one word: “Daddy.” It’s his five-year-old daughter. Izzy.
He never sees her again.
Three years later, Gabe spends his days and nights travelling up and down the motorway, searching for the car that took his daughter, refusing to give up hope, even though most people believe that Izzy is dead.
Fran and her daughter, Alice, also put in a lot of miles on the motorway. Not searching. But Running. Trying to keep one step ahead of the people who want to hurt them.
Because Fran knows the truth. She knows what really happened to Gabe’s daughter. She knows who is responsible. And she knows what they will do if they ever catch up with her and Alice….
Official Summary
My first thought on this book – WOW! The Other People centres on every parent’s nightmare – losing your child. There are heartbreaking moments where you are drawn into Gabe’s loss and his obsession to find his child. However, this story takes you on a journey into people’s need for justice when they or their families have been wronged. How far will you go for justice? What will you do if the justice system fails you and when is justice truly served?
My daughter came home with a copy of The Chalkman – C.J. Tudor’s first book and I immediately fell in love with her writing style. She manages to draw you into her story with her realistic characters and colourful descriptions. The Other People highlights her ability to tell a story that creeps under your skin and leaves you wondering how far you will go for the ones you love.
Gabe Forman, a husband, and a father is feeling guilty about missing too much of his young daughter’s life. Jenny, his wife, points out how he is never home on time for a family dinner, never home in time to tuck his daughter into bed and read her a bedtime story. These thoughts hang over Gabe as he gets stuck in a traffic jam while attempting to get home early for a change. Stuck in traffic he spots a little girl in the back of a car that looks a lot like his little Izzy. But it could not possibly be, his daughter is at home with her mother…. Isn’t she?
When Gabe finally makes it home, his worst nightmare turns to reality, turning his world upside down and spirals him into an obsession that changes his life. The little girl he saw in the back of the car keeps his hope alive, despite no-one believing him. From there to book takes a lot of twists and turns and reveals hidden secrets that lead to the unexpected conclusion of the book.
I love how this story digs into our need for justice. The author leaves you wondering about justice, how each person’s need for justice is deeply personal and explores how far we will go for justice.
Katie, a waitress, and mother of two proved an enjoyable side character. As a struggling single mom with a nasty boyfriend, you quickly start rooting for her. She won my heart when she runs away to protect herself and her children from Steve.
I was convinced that C.J. Tudor could never match The Chalk Man (her first book) – boy was I wrong! The Other People has made my top 5 of 2020. I loved this book. My only regret, I read this book way too quickly, leaving me a little sad that it was finished. One of my crazy little quirks – when I enjoy a book it leaves me sad when the story reaches its end and I am forced to leave the fictional world of the book behind.
If you enjoy a thriller – you will love this book. Even if you haven’t read any other books by C.J. Tudor – read this, you will not be disappointed!
I recommend this book – without a doubt!
Author: C.J. Tudor – ISBN:9780214371299 – Publisher: Penguin Random House – Pages: 389 – Source: Private Copy
Books by C.J. Tudor
- The Chalk Man
- The Taking of Annie Thorne
- The Other People

Coming Soon - The Burning Girls
500 years ago: eight martyrs were burnt to death
30 years ago: two teenagers vanished without trace
Two months ago: the vicar committed suicide
Welcome to Chapel Croft.
For Rev Jack Brooks and teenage daughter Flo it’s supposed to be a fresh start. New job, new home. But, as Jack knows, the past isn’t easily forgotten.
And in a close-knit community where the residents seem as proud as they are haunted by Chapel Croft’s history, Jack must tread carefully. Ancient superstitions as well as a mistrust of outsiders will be hard to overcome.

Yet right away Jack has more frightening concerns.
Why is Flo plagued by visions of burning girls?
Who’s sending them sinister, threatening messages?
And why did no one mention that the last vicar killed himself?
Chapel Croft’s secrets lie deep and dark as the tomb. Jack wouldn’t touch them if not for Flo – anything to protect Flo.
But the past is catching up with Chapel Croft – and with Jack. For old ghosts with scores to settle will never rest . . .
Author bio from GoodReads Profile
C.J. Tudor was born in Salisbury and grew up in Nottingham, where she still lives with her partner and young daughter.
She left school at sixteen and has had a variety of jobs over the years, including trainee reporter, radio scriptwriter, shop assistant, ad agency copywriter and voiceover.
In the early nineties, she fell into a job as a television presenter for a show on Channel 4 called Moviewatch. Although a terrible presenter, she got to interview acting legends such as Sigourney Weaver, Michael Douglas, Emma Thompson and Robin Williams. She also annoyed Tim Robbins by asking a question about Susan Sarandon’s breasts and was extremely flattered when Robert Downey Junior showed her his chest.
While writing the Chalk Man she ran a dog-walking business, walking over twenty dogs a week as well as looking after her little girl.
She’s been writing since she was a child but only knuckled down to it properly in her thirties. Her English teacher once told her that if she ‘did not become Prime Minister or a best-selling author’ he would be ‘very disappointed.’
The Chalk Man was inspired by a tub of chalks a friend bought for her daughter’s second birthday. One afternoon they drew chalk figures all over the driveway. Later that night she opened the back door to be confronted by weird stick men everywhere. In the dark, they looked incredibly sinister. She called to her partner: ‘These chalk men look really creepy in the dark . . .’
She is never knowingly over-dressed. She has never owned a handbag and the last time she wore heels (twelve years ago) she broke a tooth.
She loves The Killers, Foo Fighters and Frank Turner. Her favourite venue is Rock City.
Her favourite films are Ghostbusters and The Lost Boys. Her favourite authors are Stephen King, Michael Marshall and Harlan Coben.
She is SO glad she was a teenager in the eighties.
She firmly believes that there are no finer meals than takeaway pizza and champagne, or chips with curry sauce after a night out.
Everyone calls her Caz.
Okay, I have been rambling on and on with this one – sorry, what can I say, I enjoyed the book.
Let me know if you enjoy C.J. Tudor, which of her books have you read? Leave a comment.
Happy Reading