Title: The Maid
Author: Nita Prose
ISBN: 978 0 00 843573 8
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages: 343
Source: Review copy from Jonathan Ball Publisher South Africa
“I am your maid. I know so much about you. But when it comes down to it: what is it that you know about me?”
Molly Gray is not like everyone else. She struggles with social skills and misinterprets the intentions of others. Her gran used to interpret the world for her, codifying it into simple rules that Molly could live by.
Since Gran died a few months ago, twenty-five-year-old Molly has had to navigate life’s complexities all by herself. No matter—she throws herself with gusto into her work as a hotel maid. Her unique character, along with her obsessive love of cleaning and proper etiquette, make her an ideal fit for the job. She delights in donning her crisp uniform each morning, stocking her cart with miniature soaps and bottles, and returning guest rooms at the Regency Grand Hotel to a state of perfection.
But Molly’s orderly life is turned on its head the day she enters the suite of the infamous and wealthy Charles Black, only to find it in a state of disarray and Mr Black himself very dead in his bed. Before she knows what’s happening, Molly’s unusual demeanour has the police targeting her as their lead suspect. She quickly finds herself caught in a web of deception, one she has no idea how to untangle. Fortunately for Molly, friends she never knew she had unite with her in a search for clues to what really happened to Mr Black—but will they be able to find the real killer before it’s too late?
Official Summary
18 January 2022
The Maid was not what I expected. This is a story about being different, about memories and truth as one person sees it. It’s about self-discovery and justice and how sometimes doing something wrong can be the right thing to do.
You can expect to be drawn into Molly world, where you might see things just a little differently, but be warned, this intriguing tale will crawl under your skin and keep you gripped until you read the very last page. I raced through this book only to reach the end and wish I could spend more time wrapped up in this story.
I only discovered after reading the book that this is a debut novel. What a marvellous way to start. This author created a different character. Molly Gray is not like everyone else. She is a unique young woman who does her best to fit into the world. I found myself blown away by this creativity and fell in love with Molly. The story is clever, riveting and heart-warming. A refreshing whodunnit that leaves a smile on your face. I cannot wait to see what Nita Prose comes up with next.
Molly Gray, a maid at the Regency Hotel, is not like other people. She struggles with social interaction and battles to understand people. Her grandmother, who raised her, helped her understand peoples’ actions and developed a set of rules to help Molly live her life. But when her Gran dies, Molly is left alone. She focuses all her energy on her job, which she loves. It is the one thing that provides her with a purpose. Cleaning makes her happy.
When Molly discovers a guest, Mr Black, dead in his room, her world is turned upside down. Police, baffled by Molly’s reactions and responses soon focus on her as a prime suspect. Molly finds herself caught up in deception and unsure who she can trust. When a group of friends, she never released she had, joins her in a hunt for the truth, they do not have a lot of time, can this usual group find the real killer before Molly is left taking the blame?
This is a deliciously refreshing whodunnit novel that will have you reading late into the night as you join Molly in her search for the truth. I found myself completely engrossed as Molly stole my heart. I simply could not read this book fast enough, only to reach the last page and have to close the cover with a heavy heart – I did not want this book to end.
Molly Gray is an incredible character that reminds you how easy it is to misunderstand someone different. While Molly battled with social interaction and seems incapable of reading facial expressions and body language, she is an intelligent, loyal, and committed person. She is passionate about her job, even if she is just a maid, it brings her joy to restore the hotel rooms she cleans to perfection. Molly steals your heart with her vulnerability, yet as you turn the pages, you get to know her better and very quickly you realise that you too have underestimated this unique young woman. Molly is so much more than she appears to be. The author did a remarkable job with this character. Highlighting how easily people who are different are misunderstood.
The Maid is a five-star read. I loved this clever, heart-warming tale. This is a whodunnit that is refreshing and smart.
Mystery fans who enjoy a lighter touch will fall in love with this fantastic tale. This is a whodunnit that will keep you engrossed from start to finish. I highly recommend this book. If you haven’t yet, be sure to get yourself a copy. You will not be disappointed.
About the Author
Author bio from the book jacket
Nita Prose is a longtime editor, serving many bestselling authors and their books. She lives in Toronto, Canada, in a house that is only moderately clean.
Thank you to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending me a review copy of this amazing read. I loved every minute I spent reading this book and I cannot wait to see what Nita Prose sends our way next. Have you read this one yet? Let me know what you thought by leaving a comment below.
Thank you for stopping by and reading my review, I do not doubt that you will enjoy this book. Until next time… Happy Reading!