The Liar Next Door Book Review


Author: Nicola Marsh

ISBN: 9781800198432

Publisher: Bookouture

Pages: 321

Source: Review copy from NetGalley

We live in a close-knit community. Thirty houses surrounding a square of garden that is perfect for our kids. We congregate here on major holidays, each family bringing a plate and sharing food and conversation. It’s in the garden that I first met her. The woman who would worm her way into my family and piece by piece tear it apart…

I should have known something was wrong from the very beginning. She seemed perfect in so many ways: she floated through the baby shower, a warm smile on her face, chatting to strangers with ease. At first, I thought it was sweet that she offered to help me, that she made an effort to get to know us, that she brought over games and knew Luna’s favourite foods… I had no idea that I couldn’t trust another mother…

I should have known that someone would eventually discover the secret in my marriage. Why I never believe a word my husband says—and why he shouldn’t believe me. But how could a woman I only just met be the one to find it out?

If I’d known, I’d have called the police sooner.

And maybe I’d have prevented that dreadful scene. Every neighbour peering through their curtains as the sirens wailed in our street.

I could have protected my family.

I could have stopped what happened next…

Official Summary

Scrolling through the available titles on NetGalley this book’s title and the cover caught my eye, and once I read the blurb I simply had to read this book. So firstly, thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this title.

The Liar Next Door will keep you flicking the pages as you are drawn into a community that is tighter knit than even they realise. This book looks at friendship, family and most importantly trust and the consequences if partners lose trust in one another.  Filled with deception, these characters will leave you chilled as they reveal the lengths they will go to, to get what they want.

Nicola Marsh had me glued to the pages with her complex characters and their ulterior motives. Her detail on maternal instinct and her explosive emphasis on Frankie’s insecurities was brilliantly realistic. I enjoyed her writing and I hope I will have the opportunity to read more of her work.

When two new neighbours move into the small community, Frankie is on high alert, especially since one of the new neighbours is a single mom. Frankie has moved past Andre’s betrayal from five years ago, but she still keeps an eye on him. The niggle of uncertainty is always there and something is not quite right with the new neighbour. Struggling to maintain the appearance of a perfect life, which her vlog followers expect, Frankie battles to trust Celest and her eagerness for their daughters – Luna and Violette – to be friends forces the two women together more than Frankie is comfortable with. Are her insecurities getting the better of her? Or should she trust her gut? Is Luna safe around Celest and her daughter?

The book drags you in, paints a picture you fall in love with and then drops a bombshell that leaves you reconsidering all your opinions. I could not get enough.

Frankie is an amazing character. She is young and vulnerable, destroyed by her parents’ life choices when you meet her and this leads to her making some bad decisions. However, she recognises her mistakes and tries to make up for them. You fall in love with her commitment to her daughter and respect her trying to keep her family together even after Andre confesses to cheating on her.

The is an explosive read that is jam-packed with twists you do not expect. I loved every minute I spent with these characters.

Thriller and mystery fans, as well as mom’s of all ages, will find themselves unable to put this one down. It is a brilliantly twisty tale that will leave you chilled. This is a fabulous read you will not regret adding to your TBR.

About the Author

Bio from the Author’s site

USA TODAY bestselling author and multi-award winner Nicola Marsh writes page-turning fiction to keep you up all night.

She has published 77 novels and sold over 8 million copies worldwide.

She currently writes rural romance for Harper Collins Australia, domestic suspense for Hachette UK’s Bookouture and Grand Central Publishing USA, and contemporary romance for Penguin Random House’s Berkley imprint in the USA.

She’s a Waldenbooks, Bookscan, Amazon, iBooks and Barnes & Noble bestseller, a RBY (Romantic Book of the Year) and National Readers’ Choice Award winner, and a multi-finalist for a number of awards including the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, Booksellers’ Best, Golden Quill, Laurel Wreath, and More than Magic.

A physiotherapist for thirteen years, she now adores writing full time, raising her two dashing heroes, sharing fine food with family and friends, cheering on her beloved North Melbourne Kangaroos, and curling up with a good book!

Thank you for reading my review, your support of the blog is appreciated. I do not doubt that you will enjoy this book as much as I did. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to review this title. It has been a fabulous read!  What is your favourite Nicola Marsh book? Leave a comment below.  Until next time… Happy Reading!


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