The House Mate – Book Review

By Nina Manning

Narrated by Helen Keeley

The perfect life? …Or the perfect lie?
When Regi moves into her new houseshare, she’s ready for a clean slate. A new home. A new routine. A new identity…
Desperate to escape the shadow of her past that follows her everywhere she goes, Regi finds the ideal distraction in the perfect lives of others on social media.
But as innocent scrolling turns into an unhealthy obsession, Regi will soon learn that seeking perfection comes at a price…

Official Summary

The House Mate manages to keep you in the dark right up to the end. The story told from the perspective of a woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder, you are transported into the extremely challenging world that many people find themselves living in, day after day. Despite the challenges Regi faces the story reveals how she develops not only an obsession with social media but also new friends and bonds.

The book is broken down in “then” and “now” chapters, all told from Regi’s perspective. At times I found myself a little confused as Instagram posts pop up all the time and I was not always sure if they were part of then or now. At the end of the book, the piece all fell together though and I think the author intended to include a little confusion. A lot is happening in this book and you are kept on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

Regi finds herself in a new house, which she shares with three other women, all much younger than her. She is making a fresh start, returning to university, and attempting to put her past behind her. Her little obsessive behaviours manage to get her through her days. When Minnie, one of her new housemates introduces her to insta-cleaners on Instagram, Regi finds herself a new obsession. Unable to stay away from Instagram she finds herself deeply drawn to the lives of the people she follows. But her obsession leads to a lot more then she hoped for.

How it made me feel / what did I like or dislike

This audiobook had me obsessed for two days. I simply could not find enough time to keep listening. I was driven to find out where the story was going. As always, my imagination ran away with me all the time, I was sure I knew where the story was going, only to discover I was completely wrong. By the end of the book, I was left feeling a little disappointed. I was left feeling something was missing.

The main character, Regi, tells the story and you find yourself experiencing her obsession firsthand. The author did a wonderful job with this character. This character leaves you understanding people with obsessive-compulsive disorders just a little better. What a horrible way for someone to live.

This book is both a love and a hate for me. I loved it because it drew me in and kept me transfixed right to the end, unfortunately, I also hated it because at the end I felt as if I missed something as if it just ended too quickly.

I enjoyed this book, the story was gripping and well written. The House Mate will keep you turning the pages.

Author: Nina Manning – ISBN: 9781838897796 – Publisher: Boldwood Books UK Audio – Duration: 8 hours, 40 minutes – Source: ARC NetGalley


Author bio from author’s website

I began my career in the catering industry, working in all areas from being a tea shop waitress to events management and marketing, to a private chef cooking for royalty and TV personalities. I still enjoy to cook and I have found I will often end up incorporating elements of cooking into my writing.

I have a degree in Psychology and I have thoroughly enjoyed writing in the psychological thriller/grip lit genre for my debut novel. After a few years of edits and changes and bringing three children into the world, in 2018 I signed with The Kate Nash Literary Agency.

I am a voracious reader of many genres. I am the founding member of two book clubs and I love to write book reviews. I have recently started my own book podcast called Sniffing The Pages.

I’m a mum of three young children so when I’m not writing or reading I can usually be found scaling a soft play tower or romping in the woods with the family and our mad chocolate Labrador.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book. I managed to annoy my entire family by having my headset on every time someone wanted to ask a question. Speaking of, I need a new pair of headsets – they will only be used to listen to audiobooks – but needs to be comfortable – any suggestions? Leave a comment below.

As always, thank you for spending some time with me and until next time…..Happy Reading!


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