The Hive Book Review

Title: The Hive

Author: Scarlett Brade

ISBN: 9781838777463

Publisher: Zaffre Books

Pages: 400

Source: Review Copy from Publisher

Blog Tour Organised by Random Things Tours


Charlotte Goodwin looks directly at the camera and reveals a chilling truth to the thousands watching her Instagram Live broadcast. She has killed her ex-boyfriend’s new partner in cold blood. But she is not finished yet. With bloodied hands she takes a calm sip of tea before continuing. Lincoln Jackson will now make his confession, then the viewers must vote to decide whether he should live or die.

The public display sends shockwaves rippling through the online community and the number of viewers skyrockets. But as Lincoln’s past is revealed, how will he be judged?

Bonded by mutual tragedy, Charlotte’s three best friends have supported each other through the soaring highs and devastating lows of their lives. Now, in Charlotte’s hour of need, her friends also face a choice, whether to help her get away with murder.

The Hive explores our darkest fears of the relationship between social media and mental health, but, most importantly, the strength of sisterhood against all the odds.

Official Summary

28 July 2022

After reading this book I might never open a social media app again!

The author tells a moving story about friendship, love and the power of social media. Add to that, loss, heartbreak and a spectacular murder, and you will find yourself unable to put this book down.

We live in a world dominated by social media; we are eager for the latest gossip and quickly share our comments without giving a second thought to the effect our words might have. It is easy to be swept up in the latest trend and even easier to forget that we are never truly privy to the full truth. Scarlett Brade explored just that with this book – the half-truths shared on social media and the public’s ability to judge based on appearance.

This is a modern tale of love, loss and the perfect revenge. The author brings this story to life with everyday characters meeting celebrities and social media posts judging every action along the way. I was left with an urge to cancel all my social media accounts after reading this book. Scarlett Brade did a marvellous job with her characters, sharing their emotions and allowing the reader to share Charlotte’s pain.

When Lincoln Jackson, a famous boxing champion follows Charlotte on Instagram she is sure it must be a mistake. Yet soon they are chatting, and Lincoln asked to meet her. She never would have believed her luck. But what follows is not what Charlotte or her friend would ever have imagined. Charlotte will have her revenge, but until she has shown the world who Lincoln Jackson is. Brace yourself for a story like no other.

The Hive is a thriller like no other. This book grabs hold of you and draws you deep into a world of loss, pain and revenge. The author keeps you glued to the pages as she reveals what led Charlotte to a hotel room where she is about to kill Lincoln Jackson while steaming live. Brace yourself, the story that follows will break your heart and leave you amazed at the power social media has on other people’s lives.

The four women in this book show sisterhood, love and support – they share a deep bond and the author brought this to life beautifully. How far would you go to protect and support your sister? These are true friends, there is no question.

Charlotte Goodwin appears to have everything she could want. Yet as the story unfolds and the truth is revealed your heart breaks for this naïve woman. She was lied to, betrayed, embarrassed and left to suffer in the worst possible way. Her loss is heartbreaking. You watch this woman fall apart, and with the turn of a page, there is suddenly fire in her. She finds the strength and determination to seek justice and oh boy, does she get it. I found myself rooting for her, and supporting her choice to kill Lincoln Jackson – the man was a dog! There is no other word for him.

This book is full of emotion and while it is a little different to my usual reads I could not drag myself away. It is beautifully written and reminds you not to believe everything you see on social media, or at the very least, to keep in mind there is more than one side to every story. Yep, I loved this one.

Ladies, this thriller is for you. You will find yourself quickly engrossed in this heartbreaking story and rooting for a chattered woman to get the revenge she desperately needs. You will not be left disappointed when reaching go this stunning book. You might want to steer clear of social media for a while after reading this.

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About The Author

Author bio from the the publisher

Scarlett Brade is the daughter of parents who migrated from the Caribbean to England in the early 1970s. She was born and educated in London, though as a child she spent her summers in Canada, where she developed her love affair with reading. When not writing Scarlett spends most of her time cooking, drinking fine wines, and entertaining family and friends. The Hive is her first psychological thriller novel, and she is currently writing her second.

Thank you to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for this review copy. What a brilliant read. I might be left a little wary of social media, but I loved the characters and could not read this book fast enough.

Thank you for visiting the blog, your support is appreciated. Here’s a quick question; do you think before sharing your thoughts on social media? Or do you believe you have the right to say whatever comes to mind, no matter how hurtful your words maybe? Just curious, leave a comment below. Until next time…Happy Reading!

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