The Flower Girls Book Review


Author: Alice Clark-Platts

ISBN: 978 1526 6021 69 

Publisher: RAVEN BOOKS

Pages: 352

Source: Private Copy

It’s been nineteen years since ten-year-old Laurel was given a life sentence and six-year-old Rosie was given a new identity. The sisters were the very picture of two little girls who loved to listen to their mother’s bedtime stories and play make-believe in the garden. But then an act of unparalleled horror tears their family apart, leaving Laurel behind bars and Rosie moved to a different part of the country. Neither sister has laid eyes on the other since then, during which time their lives have followed very different paths. But now – with Laurel coming up for parole – they look set to be reunited in court, and the world will be watching.

Official Summary

05 May 2023

I enjoyed The Cove by Alice Clark-Platts and that sent me looking for other books by her. I found a copy of The Flower Girls online and it has been sitting on my TBR pile for a while. Oh my greatness, what a brilliant read. This book was even better than The Cove. I could not put this book down.

It is a brilliantly twisty read that will keep you up at night. I loved this book and could not flip the pages fast enough. When you reach for this book you can expect an additive read.

The author introduces her two main characters – two sisters and you are given a look at their lives – but everything is not what it appears. This story evokes a lot of emotion and leaves you wanting to pick sides and finding it hard to decide which side you want to pick. The author draws you into the mind of both the killer and the victim’s family making it extremely difficult not to empathise with both. This book is beautifully written and the conclusion jumps out and slaps you when you least expect it.

Nineteen years ago, Georgie, a two-year-old little girl was found brutally murdered after disappearing from the local playground. Georgie was seen playing with ten-year-old Laurel and six-year-old Rosie. The community was left horrified when police discovered the two girls were responsible for Georgie’s death. The only possible explanation is that the girls must be evil. Laurel was sent to prison, while Rosie, deemed too young to face prosecution in the eye of the law moved away. For nineteen years Laurel and Rosie have had no contact at all. But they are about to come face to face and face the past and the truth about what happened to Georgie.

This is a moving story with emotions rolling off every page. The author allows you insight into the various characters’ lives. You share in the horror of Laurel’s life in prison where she has been abandoned by her family. You share Rosie’s daily struggle to keep her past hidden and at the same time, you feel the pain and loss suffered by Georgie’s family. This book is an emotional rollercoaster ride.

The characters are all unpredictable. Each one has endured horrific situations and you find your heart breaks for each one as you understand their circumstances. Should Rosie still be suffering for something that happened when she was six years old? Does Laurel really deserve to still be in prison after all this time or should she be given parole? More importantly, is it fair to Georgie’s family for Laurel to be released?

This book leaves you feeling as if you are pulled in every imaginable direction. It is an unpredictable read that will keep you up at night. I loved the emotions in this book, the ending left me amazed and sad. This is a brilliant read that has flown onto my loved list for 2023.

If you are keen on a twisty psychological thriller that oozes emotion while leaving you unsure whose side to pick, then this is a book you must read. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. The Flower Girls is one of the best books I have read this read. Please add this one to your TBR – you do not want to miss this one.

Also by Alice Clark-Platts

The Cove

Welcome to Turtle Cove.
A luxury resort surrounded by pristine sea and the dense beauty of the jungle, it is the perfect escape from the stresses of life and work. For couples Lou and Adam, Eliza and Noah, a few days spent relaxing on the beach, while their kids are happily distracted, is exactly what they need.
But appearances can be deceiving.
There’s a strange tension brewing at the resort, with relations between the hotel and the locals threatening to spill over Into violence. This is nothing though compared to the strained atmosphere between the two families. They haven’t been friends for long and they are starting to realise they don’t really know each other at all.
Except for one of them. One of them knows another very well.
And they have a score to settle.

About the Author

Author bio from the author’s site

I am a former human rights lawyer who used to work for the UK Government. As a litigator, I worked on cases involving Winnie Mandela and the rapper Snoop Dogg. I loved my job but then we re-located to the tropics and now I live in wonderful Singapore.
I also write short stories which have been published in various anthologies. And when I’m not writing, I’m running The Singapore Writers’ Group which I founded in 2012. This is a fantastic group of both professional and amateur writers who meet monthly and attend workshops and critique sessions.

Thank you for visiting the blog and reading my review. I do not doubt that you will love this book as much as I did. But be prepared for a late night when you reach for this book – there is no walking away from this story. Are you a fan of this author’s work? Which is your favourite book? Leave a comment below and remember to share your thoughts on The Flower Girls.

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