Coming 17 February 2022

Title: The First Day of Spring
Author: Nancy Tucker
ISBN: 9781529156478
Publisher: Penguin Random House UK
Pages: 352
Source: Review copy from the publisher via NetGalley
‘So that was all it took,’ I thought. ‘That was all it took for me to feel like I had all the power in the world. One morning, one moment, one yellow-haired boy. It wasn’t so much after all.’
Chrissie knows how to steal sweets from the shop without getting caught, the best hiding place for hide-and-seek, the perfect wall for handstands.
Now she has a new secret. It gives her a fizzing, sherbet feeling in her belly. She doesn’t get to feel power like this at home, where food is scarce and attention scarcer.
Fifteen years later, Julia is trying to mother her five-year-old daughter, Molly. She is always worried – about affording food and school shoes, about what the other mothers think of her. Most of all she worries that the social services are about to take Molly away.
That’s when the phone calls begin, which Julia is too afraid to answer because it’s clear the caller knows the truth about what happened all those years ago.
And it’s time to face the truth: is forgiveness and redemption ever possible for someone who has killed?
Official Summary
21 December 2021
Oh, my greatness, this book is so sad, I simply could not drag myself away. This moving tale features an eight-year-old girl who is desperate for love and attention. Living in a small, poor, community the child acts out to gain attention. She is misunderstood by the people around her. No one sees what is happening, what this child endures or how she is suffering. My heart was left broken by this book.
Nancy Tucker writes a dark, disturbing tale focussing on a child who would settle for negative attention rather than no attention at all. She created a character who is perceived as “a bad seed” and leaves you heartbroken for this sad little girl. The author manages to turn the bad apple into the apple of your eye by the time you reach the last page. Telling the story from Chrissie (an eight-year-old) and Julia’s (a twenty-five-year-old) perspective you are allowed to bond with both these characters. This is a difficult, harsh read that moves you with every heart-breaking detail that is revealed. This is Nancy Tucker’s first work of fiction, and I am hooked. I cannot wait to see what she brings our way next. Her writing is subtly powerful and draws you deep into her story leaving you racing through the pages without even noticing it.
Chrissie is hungry all the time. Her mum does not seem to notice, and the kitchen cupboards are always empty. Chrissie knows no one likes her. But she is strong, and she has found a way to feel important. She has a secret that makes her feel in control. No one will forget her. She finally feels like she has some power. When her secret is revealed, Chrissie is taken away – which is probably the best thing that ever happened to her. Until she is eighteen, then she is set free into the world again. Now she has her freedom, but she is alone and frightened. Until Molly is born. Molly likes her and needs her; this leaves her feeling important. How can she keep Molly from becoming like her? How can she possibly be good enough for this precious little girl? Can she ever forgive herself for the hurt she has inflicted on others, the damage she has done? Is it possible to look after herself and Molly and finally put her past behind her?
The First Day of Spring crawled in under my skin and left me eager to race from page to page. This character broke my heart. She is a horrible little girl, yet I fell in love with her and found myself wanting to reach out and hug her. The author did a marvellous job showing why judging a child on their behaviour is not always a good idea. She highlighted the importance of looking at underlying issues when dealing with young children.
Chrissie is a strong, determined little girl who won’t allow anyone to feel sorry for her. She has strong beliefs, and she stands by them, not allowing anyone to change her mind. She is the class bully, and everyone knows if something goes wrong, Chrissie is guaranteed to be close by. No one knows that Chrissie is hungry and emotionally neglected. No one knows that Chrissie never gets touched and never receives any affection from her mother who doesn’t really want her. Chrissie keeps these things secret; she will never allow anyone to speak badly of her mother. This damaged little girl has won a permanent place in my heart, and I will look at annoying kids in my neighbourhood slightly differently after meeting this character.
I loved every second I spent reading this book and highly recommend that add this heart-breaking tale to your TBR.
Mystery and thriller fans can expect a treat with this unusual villain who is guaranteed to steal your heart. As the author sets you free in this troubled young girl’s mind, you will be left with a smile, a tear and perhaps a little anger as well. This is a fantastic read that will not leave you disappointed – the paperback is due for release in February – make sure you get a copy.
About the Author
Author bio from the publisher
Nancy Tucker graduated from the University of Oxford with a degree in experimental psychology. The author of two nonfiction books, she also works in the mental health field in England. This is her first work of fiction.
A huge thank you to Hope Butler, from Penguin Random House UK, for reaching out and suggesting this book to me. I must admit, I was blown away. This book is without a doubt one of my favourites for 2021. I will eagerly be waiting to see what else Nancy Tucker has in store for us.
What was your favourite read this year? Leave a comment below and I will add it to my TBR for 2022. As always thank you for stopping by and spending some time reading my review. This is a five-star read – get yourself a copy! Until next time… Happy Reading