Title: The Crazy Season
Author: Jim Ody
Publisher: Question Mark Press
Pages: 360
Source: Review copy from Publisher
Blog Tour Organiser: Zooloo Book Tours

Joel Baxter is infamous for solving weird and bizarre cases that others avoid. So, when he receives an email from a teenage boy Tim saying his town is cursed, he cannot turn it down.
“…I will more than likely be dead when you read this. There is nothing I can do about it. It’s the curse, and we’ve hit The Crazy Season.” Every 20 years, there are a handful of unexplained teenage deaths and it’s started again.
With the help of his straight-talking friend Melody, they set out to get to the bottom of the alleged curse. Everybody in Black Rock has secrets and nobody wants to speak.
The closer they get to the truth the more Joel and Melody realise that their involvement is far from coincidental.
Official Summary
The Crazy Season is a mystery with a difference. The book focuses on the need for the truth, it looks at lonely people and the lengths they would go to in their search for attention and a few minutes of fame. How easy modern technology has made that, while old fashioned superstition and folklore still manage to play a part in the modern world.
The author tells the story from various characters perspective while jumping between the past and the present. This allows the reader to feel like they are part of the story, getting to know the characters and fitting the puzzle pieces together as the story unfolds.
Joel Baxter had everything, a loving wife, a beautiful daughter, and a successful career. Until an accident steals it all away in the blink of an eye. Now Joel is struggling to find a reason to get out of bed and face another day. He has lost his daughter and his wife is in a coma, a year later there is little hope of Cherry ever waking up again. While Joel visits her every day, refusing to leave her unattended.
When Joel receives an unexpected email about a town with a curse, a curse that causes teenagers to commit suicide every twenty years, he is intrigued and eager to get to the bottom of this mystery. Partnering with Melody, an out-spoken friend with a secret of her own, they head to Black Rock in search of the truth. Only to discover their involvement is not accidental, but part of a plan.
The Crazy Season is a creative piece of fiction that draws you in and leave you eager to reach the end. I enjoyed the story and loved the surprises along the way. Unfortunately, I was left with questions, little bits and pieces that did not add up, questions that were not answered. I hope the author will be continuing the story and answering some of these in a second book. The story was good, and I have no issue saying that I enjoyed it – up until reading the epilogue. These last few pages, well they simply did not work for me. Maybe it’s just me, you are going to have to read it for yourself and make up your own mind.
The characters were an interesting mix. I enjoyed Joel, a man dealing with loss and uncertainty who manages to hold onto hope when the odds are against him. I enjoyed his discomfort at times around Melody. As for Melody, well she appears to be a strong sidekick when in truth she has her own insecurities and issues that she hides behind a well-rehearsed front. Using the shock factor to hide her weaknesses. The author did a really good job with this character.
The Crazy Season is full of mystery and manages to keep you intrigued as the pieces of the puzzle fit together. I liked the story even if the epilogue was a little disappointing. The book will appeal to mystery fans that love an unexpected surprise at the end.
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About The Author
Author bio from publisher
Jim spent 10 years writing music reviews and interviewing bands for a rock music website. He also contributed lifestyle and comedic features and poems to a number of websites.
Jim writes Psychological/Thrillers, YA and Horror that often end with his trademark twists! He doesn’t believe in being restrained by genres and looks to blur the lines between them.
He has had thirteen novels, and well over a dozen short stories published, and re-published by Question Mark Press, Hambrook Press, Wolfgang Press, Limitless Publishing, Zombie Cupcake and Bloodhound Books.
Obsessed with writing, Jim has releases planned throughout 2021 and 2022. These include an anthology and the first book in a YA Horror series.
Jim is also the founder of Question Mark Press, a publisher that helps self-publishing authors to achieve their potential. He believes in Pay-It-Forward, and so authors retain all 100% of royalties.
Thank you, to Zooloo Book Tours, for including me in this tour. The Crazy Season brought something different to my reading list. Have you read any of Jim Ody’s book? Leave a comment below with your favourite. Thank you for reading my review, until next time….. Happy Reading!
Interesting review!
Thank you
This book seems super interesting.
Thanks, it sure is different.
Thank you so much Zelda for your review and being part of the tour x
Thank you for including me, this was an interesting read
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