The Chateau Book Review


Author: Catherine Cooper


Publisher: Harper Collins

Pages: 400

Source: Review copy from the publisher

Blog Tour Organised by Random Things Tours

They thought it was perfect. They were wrong…

A glamorous chateau

Aura and Nick don’t talk about what happened in England. They’ve bought a chateau in France to make a fresh start, and their kids need them to stay together – whatever it costs.

A couple on the brink

The expat community is welcoming, but when a neighbour is murdered at a lavish party, Aura and Nick don’t know who to trust.

A secret that is bound to come out…

Someone knows exactly why they really came to the chateau. And someone is going to give them what they deserve.

Official Summary

I have just read the last page of this book and had to write my review straight away. I am left amazed by an ending I did not expect. This is one of the most surprising books I have read this year so far. You can expect to be drawn into a relaxed scenic read that is full of surprises along the way.

The author tells this story from the different characters point of view and moves between two storylines, one set in France and one set in London. You meet the various characters and experience the story from their perspective which allows you the opportunity to see different sides to the characters as you try to decide who you like and dislike. I loved how different the character’s personalities are shown from the various perspectives. Catherine Cooper did a brilliant job keep you on your toes as you flip pages making this an exciting thrilling read.

Aura and Nick decide to leave London after a bad patch and buy an old chateau in France. They hope to put the past behind them, fix their marriage and build a new life for their two small children in France. However, renovating the chateau, finding themselves in a foreign country and attempting to make new friends adds proves a little more complicated than they imagined. Can they leave their past behind? Or will old mistakes come back to haunt them?

The Chateau’s blurb appealed to me when I received the invite to participate in the blog tour, however, I did not expect it to be such an exciting read. I read this book in two days and found myself glued to the pages. The story starts rather slowly, allowing you to escape to the French countryside. But before too long you find yourself caught up in a complex story with dark little secrets spilling of the pages making it impossible to drag yourself away as you long to find out more.

I did not particularly like any of the characters. These people appear all sweet and sincere on the surface, but the more you get to know them and see them from each other’s point of view the more unlikable they become. However, despite them not being “nice” people, you are drawn to them and eager to find out more. The author created a fascinating group of people. Each one had a side to them you did not see coming. This made it a wonderfully gripping read.

The Chateau is one of my five-star reads for 2021. I loved this clever, creative story and the ending – well I am not going to give anything away, but you can expect the unexpected. This was a mind-blowing story based on sensitive material, but never getting too heavy. I was engrossed from start to finish. This is a brilliant book!

Thriller enthusiasts will find themselves glued to the pages of this exciting, scenic tale full of twists and look forward to the most unexpected ending guaranteed to leave you amazed at the author’s creativity.

If you are looking for a thriller that is a light, relaxing read filled with stunning scenery and loads of twists and turns, you will not go wrong reach for The Chateau.

Also by Catherine Cooper:

The Chalet – Sunday Times top 5 bestseller, longlisted for the CWA New Dagger Award.

French Alps, 1998 Two young men ski into a blizzard… but only one returns.

20 years later Four people connected to the missing man find themselves in that same resort. Each has a secret. Two may have blood on their hands. One is a killer-in-waiting.

Someone knows what really happened that day.

And somebody will pay.

About The Author

Author bio from the publisher

Catherine Cooper is a freelance journalist writing for many national newspapers and magazines, specialising in travel. She also makes regular appearances as a talking head on daytime TV. She lives in France with her husband and two teenage children.

Her debut thriller THE CHALET was a top-five Sunday Times bestseller and spent three weeks in the Kindle top 100. THE CHATEAU is her second novel.

Huge thanks to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for introducing me to this author. It was an exciting read and I cannot wait to get my hand on The Chalet, always by Catherine Cooper. I love reading a book that slaps me with a huge surprise at the end. If you haven’t yet, be sure to add this title to your TBR, it is a marvellous read you will not be disappointed with.

Thank you for spending the time reading my review, I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have. If you have read it, share your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Until next time… Happy Reading!


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