Stone The Dead Crows Book Review

Title: Stone the Dead Crows

Author: Carrie Magillen

ISBN: 9781913692087

Publisher: Little Robin Press

Pages: 350

Source: Review copy from the publisher

Tour Organised by Random Things Tours

Three sisters. Two strangers. One secret.

Maggie has an impossible choice. Stay and protect her family from the hooded stalker in the woods? Or return to Rose and help her fight the doctors who want to remove life support from their sister, Daisy?

There’s a man at Daisy’s bedside. He says Rose can trust him. But he’s telling her disturbing things

about her devoted new husband that can’t possibly be true.

Two strangers start the clock. It’s ticking for three devoted sisters. And when time runs out, they won’t just be fighting for each other’s survival. They’ll be fighting for their own.

Three. Two. One.

The countdown has begun.

Official Summary

I love nothing more than a good psychological thriller to snuggle up with. So often the story can be empty, but that is not the case with Stone the Dead Crows. This book holds a message and speaks of abuse making it so much more than just another work of fiction. The author tells three different stories, leaving you a little confused and then she brings them together in a remarkable conclusion that leave you looking back on what you have read as the pieces fall into place.

Carrie Magillen breaks this book into different pieces allowing you insight into each of the sister’s lives. AS the various stories head towards a coalition you are left amazed at how beautifully she managed to draw the stories together. This is my first time reading Carrie Magillen – her writing is warm, and you are drawn into her story as you flick the pages. I have added When He Is Not Here to my want to read list and I look forward to getting my hands on a copy of that one soon.

Daisy has been in a coma for three years with no signs of wanting to wake up. Rose visits her sister every week and when the doctors suggest that the time has come to turn off life support, Rose faces a difficult decision as her marriage becomes something she was not expecting.

Meanwhile, Maggie is on a sabbatical in an isolated cabin in the wood with her husband and young son. This should be heaven, however, a man is lurking in the woods, watching the family. Maggie can feel his malice and instinctively knows that he is just waiting for the right moment to harm her family. She struggles to decide if she should return home to help Rose, or if she should stay with her family and ensure their safety….

There is a lot more to this story than what it appears to be. The author created a work of fiction with a message about coercive control and how this form of abuse is so hard to pinpoint. There is no doubt that women are suffering while not even understanding what is happening to them. I loved how clearly the author explained the red flags of coercive control, highlighting a sad reality while telling a fiction story that allows you to escape reality as you turn the pages.

Poor Rose stole my heart. As her story unfolds and you see how badly Nathan is treating her while is oblivious as he wraps her in love, attention while showering her with expensive gifts. As the story unfolds and Rose’s character develops her transformation from a fragile Rose to a strong woman who stands up for herself is simply heart-warming. The author did a wonderful job with this character. I was trapped in her emotional turmoil as it unfolded.

I loved this book. This is a psychological thriller with a message making it extremely entertaining while at the same time it leaves you looking at the women in your life just a little bit closer. (Just in case any of those red flags peek out somewhere.)

While psychological thriller enthusiasts will find it hard to put this book down, I would suggest women everywhere take the time to read this book. The message in this book just might help a woman suffering. Ladies, go ahead, get yourselves a copy – you will love this title.

Also by Carrie Magillen:

When He’s Not Here

Eva’s killed Jack.
A catastrophic mistake that’s destroyed her career. Only Eva doesn’t make mistakes; she’s a pathological perfectionist. Something happened that morning, something she can’t remember.

By day, she’s tormented by tremors, nosebleeds and blackouts. By night, her violent dreams leave her shaken.

They should. They hold a devastating secret.

With the help of enigmatic psychologist, Saeed Sharif, Eva delves into her dreams. Only to discover that her reality is far more terrifying.

She’s holding a gun.
She has six seconds.
She can save herself and her unborn child … by shooting the love of her life.

Could you? Will she? It’s time to find out.

Author bio from the publisher

Carrie Magillen spent fifteen years as a computer engineer working for IBM and Sun

Microsystems, all the while with a yellowing copy of Plot by Ansen Dibell on her bookshelf.

She left IT in 2006 and studied creative writing at Webster University in the Netherlands,

Wollongong University in Australia, and Winchester University in England. She lives in Hampshire

with her husband and two American cocker spaniels.

Her debut novel, When He’s Not Here, was a No.1 bestseller in 2020. Stone the Dead Crows is her

second novel.

Yet another thank you to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for introducing me to this magnificent author. I cannot wait to read When He’s Not Here.  I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this blog tour. Stone the Dead Crows, while an unusual title, is a moving story with a message that will stay with you. Please add this book to your TBR, I do not doubt that you will enjoy it as much as I did. Until next time… Happy Reading!


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