Sparks and Shadows Book Review

Title: Sparks and Shadows

Author: Ceara Nobles


Publisher: Riverside Press, LLC.

Pages: 266

Source: Review copy from the Publisher

Blog Tour Organised by Random Things Tours

Seattle is full of monsters, and I’m the only one who can see them.

I’ve spent the last 17 years (AKA my whole life) pretending I can’t see the monsters who disguise themselves as humans. I may not have a place to live and my best friend may be moments away from getting in too deep with the city’s most dangerous drug lord, but I’m rolling with the status quo.

That is, until I save my arch enemy’s stupid life and find myself in a warehouse full of monsters.

Next thing I know, I’m in Monster Land (AKA not Seattle) and up to my ears in monsters, magic, and inevitable mayhem. If I want to get home, I have to join a band of revolutionaries and stay alive long enough to get back through the portal before war breaks out.

This’ll be a cinch.

Sparks and Shadow is a modern, action-packed YA portal fantasy featuring Fae mythology, magic, and slow-burn romance. This is the first book in the Rising Elements series

Official Summary

11 March 2022

Sparks and Shadows is such an awesome book. It honestly had me hooked from the first line in the book. It made me wish I had the time to read more. I sadly have been consumed by school and just haven’t been able to read as much as I would like. Don’t get me wrong it might have taken me a while to finish this one however it is a fast read.

This book had a lot of action scenes which help with the pacing of the book. I find that action scenes can make or break a book as sometimes there is so much going on that it is hard to understand what is happening and what the author is trying to say. However, Ceara Nobles did an amazing job writing these action scenes. They were clear, compelling and overall amazing to read.

I will say a Fantasy book is always a hit or miss for me as there are so many sometimes, they all feel repetitive. I enjoyed the new take on the genre and the very unique characters.

There were a lot of really well-written characters in this book. However, my favourite had to be either Mina or Everly. Mina was honestly just so sweet and adorable and overall just a feel-good character and she was such a good friend to Everly. Everly was your typical main character however that was sort of part of her charm. I will say the slow-burn between her and Shadow was really well written however I only wish we got more of Shadow in this book. I felt like his character was very interesting and I hope we can see more of him in the next books.

Overall this book was great, I would defiantly recommend it. It is 4.5 stars from me. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

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About The Author

Author bio from the publisher

Ceara Nobles is a Utah-based author of romantic suspense and fantasy novels. She graduated from the University of Utah in 2016 with a B.A. in Computer Animation, then realized she hated it. Now she spends her days juggling her side hustle as a line editor and her true love of authorship. When she’s not busy writing, you can find her chasing her toddler, road tripping with her hubby, or hiding in bed with a chai and a good book.

Thanks for reading let me know what you think in the comments below.

Goodbye, my little book nerds…

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