Review Policy
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Thank you for considering me to review your book. I look forward to hearing from you.
Some things to consider: I am based in Pretoria, South Africa. I accept hard copy books, e-books, and audiobooks – please contact me for a delivery address for any hard copy material. Currently, I receive advanced review copies from NetGalley, Penguin Random House South Africa, Jonathan Ball Publishers and NB Publisher.
I welcome self-published authors as well as publishers. Submitting a book for review does not guarantee that I will review it. I also cannot guarantee that a review will be up by a specified date. Feel free to discuss any specific requirements and I will try to meet your needs where possible.
I love sharing my thoughts on a new book and I pride myself on being completely honest. My reviews start with a summary of the story (usually the official summary) followed by my opinion. My reviews are informal and based on how I feel about the story. At the end of each review, I like to include a brief Meet the Author piece with a link to the author’s website. Please make sure to send me this information along with your review material.
My First Choice Reads:
- Psychological Thrillers
- Thrillers
- Crime
- Mystery
What I Do Not read:
- Erotica
- Romance
- Non-Fiction
- Historical Fiction
- Biographies
- Poetry
Other than the above, I am pretty open-minded.
How to request a review:
Drop me an email at with a short synopsis of your book, including what review format is available, a cover image and if you have any specific deadline requirements as well as a link to your website. If your book has a YouTube trailer send me the link, I can add that to the review. I will get back to you as soon as possible, please keep in mind, I usually have my nose in a book.
I look forward to hearing from you and cannot wait to discuss your latest master piece.
Review Request
To request a review of your book, drop me an email at with a short synopsis of your book, including what review format is available, a cover image and if you have any specific deadline requirements as well as a link to your website. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively complete the request form and I will be in touch soon.
Please note: I reserve to right to decline a review request