No Secrets Book Review


Author: David Jackson

ISBN: 9781800810211 

Publisher: Viper Books

Pages: 320

Source: Private Copy

You can’t lie to Izzy Lambert. Her highly developed empathic abilities allow her to read people’s emotions with terrifying accuracy – and consequences. As a child, her insights sparked her parents’ divorce. As an adult, she avoids getting too close to people for fear of what she might learn.
But now young girls are going missing in her town. The police have no suspects but, seeing her old school caretaker interviewed on the news about the story, Izzy comes to a chilling realisation: he knows where the missing girls are. When the police won’t take her seriously despite the lives at stake, she will risk everything to uncover the truth.

Official Summary

11 June 2024

“No Secrets” is a gripping tale that delves into the complex world of human emotions and the extraordinary abilities of Izzy Lambert. Izzy, blessed – or cursed – with an almost supernatural empathic sensitivity, can decipher emotions with unnerving precision. This gift, which brought turmoil to her family in her youth, now distances her from those around her, isolating her in a world where knowing too much about others is both a blessing and a burden.

Jackson introduces Izzy’s abilities early in the novel, establishing her as a reluctant hero burdened by her gift. Her life, already a maze of emotional barriers, takes a dramatic turn when young girls begin to disappear in her town. The narrative pivots on a chilling moment of recognition: Izzy sees her former school caretaker on television, and with her unique insight, she knows he harbours dark secrets about the missing girls.

The tension escalates as Izzy’s desperate attempts to alert the police fall on deaf ears. Jackson paints a vivid picture of her frustration and fear, as the authorities dismiss her claims, leaving her no choice but to take matters into her own hands. The novel’s pacing is relentless, driving you forward as Izzy risks everything to uncover the truth and save the girls.

What stands out in “No Secrets” is Jackson’s ability to create a protagonist who is both extraordinarily gifted and deeply human. Izzy’s empathic abilities might seem like a superpower, but they are portrayed as a double-edged sword, isolating her from normal human interactions and complicating her quest for justice. Her character is richly developed, and you will find yourself empathizing with her internal struggles and external battles.

Jackson’s writing is taut and immersive, with each chapter ending on a note that compels you to continue. The suspense is palpable, and the sense of urgency is maintained throughout, making it difficult to put the book down. The plot is intricately woven, with enough twists to keep even seasoned thriller readers on their toes.

The climax of the novel is both satisfying and thought-provoking, tying up the central mystery while leaving the reader pondering the ethical implications of Izzy’s abilities. Jackson does not shy away from exploring the darker aspects of human nature, and “No Secrets” is as much a psychological study as it is a suspenseful thriller.

This is a compelling read that combines psychological depth with edge-of-your-seat suspense. David Jackson has crafted a novel that not only entertains but also invites you to reflect on the complexities of empathy and the moral dilemmas it can pose. Izzy Lambert is a memorable character, and her story will linger long after the final page is turned.

Also by David Jackson

Your Deepest Fear

‘Sara! Remember! Victoria and Albert. All I can say. They’re here. They’re-‘
These are the last words Sara Prior will ever hear from her husband.
As DS Nathan Cody struggles to make sense of the enigmatic message and solve the brutal murder, it soon becomes clear that Sara is no ordinary bereaved wife. Taking the investigation into her own hands, Sara is drawn into a world of violence that will lead her in a direction she would never have suspected.
For Cody, meanwhile, things are about to get personal in the darkest and most twisted ways imaginable . . .

About the Author

Author bio from the author’s site

I was a latecomer to fiction writing, having spent most of my adult life producing academic papers and reports. After some limited success entering short story competitions, I submitted the first few chapters of a novel to the Crime Writers Association Debut Dagger Awards. To my great surprise, the book was not only short-listed but given the Highly Commended accolade, which stimulated the interest of agents and publishers and eventually led to the publication of PARIAH. Since then, I have written several more crime thrillers, including two series set in New York and my birth city of Liverpool. I still have a day job in Liverpool as a university academic, but now live on the Wirral with my wife, two daughters and a British Shorthair cat called Mr Tumnus.

Thank you for visiting the blog and reading my review. I always enjoy David Jackson’s writing and eagerly anticipate diving into more of his books. I have several waiting on my TBR list; I just need to find the time to get to them. Which David Jackson book is your favourite? Leave a comment below! Until next time….. Happy Reading!

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