Little Bones – Audiobook Review

By N V Peacock

Narrated by Stephanie Racine

I have three names: I was born Leigh-Ann. I became Cherrie. When I was a child, they called me Little Bones… An exclusive audiobook-only twist!

Includes audio exclusive podcast interviews read by Raj Ghatak, Lisa Armytage, Jessica Ball, Candida Gubbins, John Sackville and Richard Trinder.

My father was Mr Bones – the notorious serial killer of 25 years ago.
As a child, I witnessed his crimes. Everything is different now. I have a new identity. I’m a mother. I am finally free. Until that podcast. I should never have listened. They’re linking a recent is appearance to the crimes of the past. They know who I am. They’re calling me Little Bones again.
They say I’m a villain but I’m not. I’m a victim. You believe me, don’t you?

Official Summary

Coming December 2020

Little Bones takes you into the life of a serial killer’s daughter, exploring the stigma attached to someone related to a monster. The story deals with the horrors of child abduction and the lengths one mother would go to, to save her child. This audiobook provides a theatrical performance guaranteed to keep you entertained.

Little Bones told from Cherrie’s perspective shows you the inner workings of Cherrie’s mind. Some readers might find this book offensive due to the language used. I loved the dark and twisted inner thoughts. Being in Cherrie’s mind had me laughing out loud at times. The author took a very dark subject and managed to infuse humour when you least expected. Maybe it just spoke to my twisted nature, but Cherrie thoughts about her mother-in-law were simply brilliantly written.

Cherrie has put her past behind her. She has changed her name and moved on with her life. She has a loving boyfriend and a perfect little boy. Life could not be better. However, when a local boy disappears a wanna-be journalist, Jay Patel starts a podcast following the case. Jay uncovers Cherrie’s past and reveals her new identity as well as her connection to the notorious serial killer Mr Bones.  Before too long the entire community is talking about Cherrie, and once again she is forced to deal with the media and everyone around her calling her Little Bones. Will she ever be able to escape the legacy of her father?

After listening to this audiobook, this dark and twisted tale, I find myself wondering about the children of true serial killers. How horrid their lives must be? The sins of the father are not reserved for works of fiction only. The author left me reflecting on this subject, wondering if I would be able to treat someone fairly if I knew they were the child of a monster.

Cherrie was absolutely brilliant! I loved her dark twisted thoughts. The author did a fantastic job creating this character. She was very much in touch with her dark side but at the same time a good and loving mother. This character leaves you wondering how far you would go to protect your child. I believe we all have a dark side, Cherrie reminded me of that.

I have been off audiobooks for a while, but the narrators did a very theatrical performance of Little Bones, making it an extremely enjoyable experience. I loved this book.

This tale will appeal to new and seasoned thriller readers. It is a very well-told tale and with some added humour it keeps you from getting too lost in the darkness that lies at the heart of the story. If you only listen to one audiobook this season – make sure it is Little Bones!

Author: N V Peacock – ISBN: 9780008436377 – Publisher: HarperCollins UK Audio / Avon – Duration: 13 Hours, 42 Minutes – Source: ARC – NetGalley


Author bio from author’s website

N V Peacock also writes YA and Horror as Nicky Peacock. She lives in lovely Northamptonshire, She has spent over 20 years in sales and writes in her spare time. Nine years ago she discovered the anthology market, and it wasn’t long before her first short story was published. With over 30 stories in horror, thriller and paranormal anthologies for publishers all over the world, including stories in The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper and a Women in Horror Anthology, she’s no stranger to the dark side. After writing 5 YA supernatural novels, she turned her hand to an adult thriller.

With her love of true crime podcasts, the plot of Little Bones came together quickly and after several drafts, developed into a fully-fledged book with a killer twist and a strong female protagonist with a wicked sense of humour.

Nicky has a degree in creative writing and runs a local writers’ group. With 20 members, it’s grown into a wonderful place for novice and established writers to gather and share thoughts, discuss their work and above all motivate them to keep writing. While running the group, Nicky has found that spending time with like-minded people, who enjoy writing as much as she does, is crucial to maintain the motivation and devotion that writing needs.

About her writing, Nicky says, ‘Entertaining readers is the best feeling in the world. Times are tough at the moment, so to be able to transport readers into someone else’s life and take them on a twisty journey makes all the time and effort I put into my books worthwhile.’

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this audiobook! It was wonderfully entertaining, and I am honoured to help promote this work of fiction. NV Peacock did a wonderful job writing this tale and the narrators complimented this story beautifully.

As always thank you for spending the time reading my review. Share your thoughts on this audiobook by leaving a comment below. Until next time…… Happy Reading!


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