June in a Nutshell

That's a Wrap!

Locally, it feels as if we have been dropped headfirst into winter. The last few weeks every day has felt a little colder than the previous. The international visitors at my day job enjoy laughing at me – they do not think it is cold at all, but what can I say, I am a baby when it comes to cold. The only good thing about winter is that nothing is better than snuggling under a fluffy blanket with a good book. The month of June slipped away very quickly and I have only managed to add twelve new reviews this month which as I am wrapping things up for June leaves me a little disappointed. I will have to try to read more in July.

While June was not as busy as I would have hoped it to be, here are the books we reviewed with links to the review pages and each one’s star rating.


My Book of the Month:

As always, thank you for visiting the blog, your continued support is much appreciated. Remember to share your thoughts on the books we reviewed by leaving a comment below. Any book suggestions are also very welcome. I have four back-to-back blog tours during the first week of July which I am sure you will enjoy, keep an eye out for these posts.

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4 thoughts on “June in a Nutshell”

  1. I haven’t read any of these books but Watermelon is coming to the top of my TBR pile. I’ve added The Nothing Man . This is my first visit. I enjoyed your post and will be back

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