Author: Gillian McAllister
ISBN: 978 1405 9424 23
Publisher: Penguin Random House UK
Pages: 451
Source: Private Copy

What do you do when you can’t run, and you can’t hide?
Lauren’s daughter Zara witnessed a terrible crime. But speaking up comes with a price, and when Zara’s identity is revealed online, it puts a target on her back.
The only choice is to disappear.
To keep Zara safe Lauren will give up everything and everyone she loves, even her husband.
There will be no goodbyes. Their pasts will be rewritten. New names, new home, new lives.
The rules are strict for a reason. They are being hunted. One mistake – a text, an Instagram like – could bring their old lives crashing into the new.
They can never assume someone isn’t watching, waiting.
As Lauren will learn, disappearing is easy. Staying hidden is harder…
Official Summary
13 September 2023
I read my first book by this author in April this year and I have been dying to read more of her work. I finally got around to it with How To Disappear this book is a brilliant read. It explores how far you will go to protect your child. A mother’s love for her daughter and the bonds we have in everyday life.
Gillian McAllister creates the worst possible scenario in this book and takes you along a path you wish you never imagined. As a parent, you are left wondering how far you will go to keep your child safe. This story crawls under your skin and you are unable to walk away from these characters before reading the very last page. You can expect some late-night reading when you reach for this book.
When Zara witnesses a murder, she is determined to testify. Lauren has always supported her daughter’s desire to do the right thing. And they have been promised that no-one will ever know Zara as anyone else but girl A. Of course, things are not always that simple. Not long after testifying Zara’s identity is leaked and the family are all in danger. The only solution is witness protection. But Lauren cannot take everyone with her and she is forced to disappear with just her daughter. Leaving everyone else behind and trying to make a new life proves a lot more difficult than Lauren imagined it would be. But Zara’s safety is her number one priority, even when Zara seems to turn against her mother.
I found myself deeply engrossed in this book and my emotions were running very high through this story. I found myself extremely angry with Zara – this teenager got under my skin. Her behaviour at times left me wanting to scream.
Lauren is a spacy, live-in-the-moment woman and while she tried her best to do the right thing for her daughter, she made so many mistakes along the way. You cannot help but feel bad for her because she tried very hard to support her child. As for Zara while she may have had good intentions and tried to do the right thing, I wanted to scream every time she went about things the wrong way. It drove me crazy that she decided not to be honest with her mother and when she started lashing out at her mom I felt no compassion for her, if anything she left me angry.
This book is an intense read that is guaranteed to stir emotions as you flip the pages. I enjoyed every minute I spent reading this book and loved how invested I felt while reading it. Another addition to my loved list for 2023.
If you are keen on a thriller full of family drama then this is the book for you. You are guaranteed lots of emotions and a few fabulous twists along the way. You will not be disappointed.
Also by Gillian McAllister

Wrong Place Wrong Time
Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?
Late October. After midnight. You’re waiting up for your eighteen-year-old son. He’s past curfew. As you watch from the window, he emerges, and you realize he isn’t alone: he’s walking toward a man, and he’s armed.
You can’t believe it when you see him do it: your funny, happy teenage son, he kills a stranger, right there on the street outside your house. You don’t know who. You don’t know why. You only know your son is now in custody, his future shattered.
That night you fall asleep in despair. All is lost.
Until you wake . . .
. . . and it is yesterday.
And then you wake again . . .
. . . and it is the day before yesterday.
Every morning you wake up a day earlier, another day before the murder. With another chance to stop it. Somewhere in the past lies an answer. The trigger for this crime–and you don’t have a choice but to find it….
About the Author
Author bio from the author’s site
Gillian McAllister has been writing for as long as she can remember. She graduated with an English degree before working as a lawyer. She lives in Birmingham, where she now writes full-time. She is the Sunday Times bestselling author of Everything But the Truth, Anything You Do Say, No Further Questions, The Evidence Against You, How To Disappear and the Richard & Judy Book Club pick That Night. She is also the creator and co-host of the popular Honest Authors podcast.
Thank you for visiting the blog. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did. Remember to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts on this one. What is your favourite Gillian McAllister book? While this is only my second book by this author I am looking forward to reading more of her work.