First Anniversary

Wow, I cannot believe it! Today, one year ago, my blog went live with my first review post.  After losing my job in the travel industry due to COVID I found I had way too much time on my hands. When I started the blog, the idea was to fill my day. I never expected that I would learn so much or meet so many incredible people.

My initial goal was to share my love of books, simply telling the world about what book I have recently read and what I loved about it. During this year, my blog has become a passion. It has grown into something I love, and something I never want to give up, it is an important part of my day.

I volunteered for blog tours which proved to be an incredible experience. Blog tours provided the opportunity for me to expand my reading and I have been exposed to a range of new authors. I am pleased to say that my list of favourite authors has been largely extended.

While my first year of blogging has not provided any financial growth, I can honestly say that I have grown as a reader and loved every experience this year has provided.

The one person I need to thank for the incredible year I have had is Anne Cater, from Random Things Through my Letterbox. I not only participated in the blog tours she organises, but I regularly visited her blog, reading her reviews and keep up to date with what she does. She constantly inspires me to improve my reviews and explore different genres.

Thank you to all the authors I interacted with during the year. Receiving a message from an author always makes my day. But most importantly, I owe you, my regular readers, much appreciation. I am always left in awe when I am checking on my site stats and see how many visitors the site has had. Thank you for your support!

I am looking forward to another year lost in a good book because every new book brings another wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing these experiences. Until next time… Happy Reading!

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