February Wrapped

That’s a Wrap!

The second month of the year has drawn to a close. The local weather has been stupidly hot which is not ideal for reading. I would much rather be snuggled under a blanket with my puppies on the couch when I read.  Luckily, my audible subscription has helped me to stay on track with my reading goal and I am still on track to achieve my 100 books read this year.

Alicia introduced me to everyone on Instagram with their stunning reading journals and I have spent a lot of time working on my journal – listening to an audiobook while doing this has become a new habit. I must ask, how do you guys find the time to make your journals look so amazing? I work full time and then try to spend the rest of my time reading and writing reviews for the blog and now I am left feeling a little flustered as I try to juggle it all.

On a lighter note, Alicia has now been in America for a month and she is settling in nice with her new family. She is loving the local bookstores. It warms my heart to say my little girl keeps in touch regularly and I often receive a call where she shows me her latest book haul. It puts my mind at ease to know that she is happy and enjoying herself.

That is enough rambling from me. Thanks to Alicia’s review stockpile I managed to add thirteen new reviews to the blog this month. If you missed them, here is a quick overview.

My Book of the Month

Still See You Everywhere by Lisa Gardner

I love this author’s work and Frankie Elkin is an amazing character so perhaps I am a little bias. I must admit, this one only narrowly beat First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston.

Well, that’s it from me, I look forward to a busy March with loads of fantastic books lined up. With any luck I may have some time to make a dent in my physical TBR shelf. I have so many books waiting to be read.

Thank you for visiting the blog and sharing my love of books. I look forward to hearing which of our reviewed books in February made it onto your TBR, leave a comment below.

Until next time….. Happy Reading!

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