That's a Wrap
What a month this has been. Sharing some personal news, after being at home for the past two years – since the original 2020 COVID lockdown – I have returned to work again. Initially, it was a huge adjustment and sadly my reading time was reduced as I adjusted to a new daily routine.
The good news is that I have now established a workable routine and March will be a busy review month yet again. I did manage to add eleven new reviews this month, so it was not as bad as I feared it might be. If you missed out, then here is a wrap up of February’s reviews.
01 February – Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult
Jodi Picoult is an author I like to add to my reading pile from time to time because I know her books always offer an emotional read that is guaranteed to leave me moved. When I received a review copy of this book from Jonathan Ball Publisher, I made sure to skip it to the top of the pile. Wish You Were Here provided a wonderful five-star read.
04 February – Off Target by Eve Smith
My first blog tour read for the month was a futuristic read. That is not a usual choice for me, but Eve Smith managed to keep me glued to the pages with this gripping tale which left me eager to enter a debate on genetic engineering.
07 February – The Shadows We Cast by Sarah Tinsley
The author of this book reached out about a review of this book and what a wonderful read. I lost myself in this story and was only too happy to share a review on this one. This crafty tale deals with the effects of sexual assault and shows a strange relationship develop between the victim and the rapist. A usual story that will move you.
08 February – A Good Girls Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
As Alicia return to school she did not have a lot of time for reading, but she squeezed in this book and gave it a five-star review. She enjoyed the book and raced through it, loving how the author did not shy away from hard topics.
09 February - Cry Wolf by Hans Rosenfeldt
Translated fiction is not always the first choice for me, however, this review copy from Jonathan Ball Publishers is a fantastic read that I will highly recommend. This was a gripping, creative story that left me reading late into the night. If you haven’t read this one yet, you should consider adding it to your TBR.
11 February – Gemini Divided by Lauren Kristen Roberts
This blog tour book added a lighter touch to this month’s reading for me. The author tells a story of an assassin who writes fan fiction in her spare time and is then faced with the dreadful fact that her celebrity crush is her next target. A little unusual for me, but I loved it.
14 February – The Ghosts of Thorwald Place by Helen Power
When Blackthorn Book Tours sent me an invite for this book I could not resist. What could be better than a ghost story for Valentine’s Day? I was pleasantly surprised as I flipped the pages of this book, finding myself completely engrossed with this emotional ghost story. Even if ghosts are not your thing, you will find this book to be extremely entertaining.
23 February – Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney
Alice Feeney is an author who always makes an appearance on my Good Reads feed and I have been dying to read some of her books. I have had this one on my TBR for a while and am so glad I finally had the time to read this. I am an instant fan and I cannot wait to spend more time with this author. Her writing is brilliant and psychological thriller fans can expect a real treat with this one.
24 February – Reputation by Sarah Vaughan
I had the pleasure of reading Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan last year, so seeing an invite to review another one of her books for the blog tour was a no brainer. This author tackles topics that will be close to most women’s hearts and Reputation is no exception. This is a fantastic read that you will not want to miss out on. I loved this book.
25 February – The Interview by CM Ewan
This book came my way as a late invite to the blog tour and I very nearly turned down the chance to review it. What a silly mistake that would have been. This new to me author simply wow ’ed me with this book. I am a fan after reading this book. Just to give you an idea, when I finished reading this book, I headed online immediately and got myself copies of two more books by this author. That is how much I enjoyed it. No wonder I selected this as my book of the month. If you read my review last week, then you would already know that as I could not contain my excitement. This is a five-star read, I loved every minute of reading this one.
28 February – Verity by Collen Hoover
When I finish this book I was honestly left speechless. It had my stomach in knots and my mind going full speed. This is the third CoHo book that I have read and WOW was this one different from the other two.
What a stunning review to end the month with – Thank you Alicia for wrapping things up for us with this awesome review – see, thrillers are pretty good reads!
Thank you to Jonathan Ball Publishers and Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for all the wonderful books you sent my way this month. You guys have introduced so many new authors to my TBR and even manage to steer me to slightly different genres. You have opened an entirely new reading experience to me and I owe you a huge thank you for that.
If you are wondering, you can look forward to seven blog tours from me, two from Alicia (young adult reads) and I also have three great books from Jonathan Ball lying in await. An Indie author has also reached out requesting a review of her book. I have a lot on my plate for March, but with a little juggling, I should get everything done.
Thank you for stopping by and supporting the blog, if you managed to find one book you love on my site, then I will be a very happy blogger! So remember to drop me a line if you find something you like her. Until next time… Happy Reading!

Interesting wrap-up!