Family First Book Review

Title: Family First

Author: Tony Millington

ASIN: ‎ B0917M2GY6

Publisher: Dark Edge Press

Source: Review copy from Publisher

Blog Tour Organised by Anne Cater from Random Things Tours

A man is shot dead in a pub car park. Detective’s Monteith and Watson are sent to investigate. Within days, several more men are murdered, and it quickly becomes clear that a serial killer is targeting ex-prisoners. But without a motive how do you find the person responsible?

Official Summary

This crime fiction follows not only the police investigation but also allows the reader to spend time with the killer, giving you a look at how far someone can be driven by the loss of a loved one. It leaves you asking what you would do to revenge the violent murder of one of your family members…

The author allows you to spend time with the police offers who are investigating a series of murders, but also early in the book you know who the killer is, you spend time with him and see what is happening in his head and what is driving him to commit the crime. Initially, I didn’t like knowing who the killer was before the police officers investigating. But as the story continues, and the author gives you glimpses into the killer’s mind it is understandable – I ended up liking the killer, feel sorry for him even.

When a man is shot in a pub’s car park, and followed by more dead bodies being found, Detective’s Monteith and Watson soon realise that they are dealing with a serial killer. The only connection between the victims they can find is a prison, but there is no clear motive, so how do they find the killer before he strikes again?

This is a quick read; I finished the book in a day. However, there is a lot of detail, and the author does not miss out on anything that could leave you uncertain as you read. The characters have full lives and there are a few different levels to the story that cover the character’s private and work lives. I enjoyed how the author managed to tell a full, detailed story in a rather short book.

I liked the killer – I felt bad for him and everything he went through. This is probably the first time that I have read a book hoping the bad guy would get away. Sounds crazy I know, but as you read this book and hear what this man and his family have endured you understand why he is killing people, even if you do not agree with his choices.

I had fun reading this book and would recommend it to crime fictions fans looking for a quick, light read. This book is enjoyable light crime fiction that will keep you entertained as you turn the pages.

About The Author

Author bio from the publisher

I was born in Warrington Cheshire in 1967 but moved to Rutland in 1981 with my parents.
Attending Uppingham Community College, Rutland sixth form, and later attending Stamford College.
I have done various jobs, including a lifeguard, white van man, and temp work but working at RAF Wyton as a civil servant for the MOD for many years was my most loved career sadly ending in redundancy due to all the cuts to the civil service.

I live in Peterborough, married with one son. My writing started when I heard the archetypal saying, “Everyone has a book in them.” Ideas have been floating around in my brain for a long time, so I thought it was about time to put them down on paper.

Thank you to Random Things Tours and Dark Edge Press for this review copy. Are you a crime fiction fan? Leave a comment below. Until next time… Happy Reading!


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7 thoughts on “Family First Book Review”

  1. Tony Millington

    Hello Zelda
    Thank you for your great review. As I was writing it I wanted to give the antagonist’s point of view, and your review hit the nail on the head. Not all antagonists are in the typical serial killer mold. Some just find life deals them a bad hand and fighting back is their way to cope. Thank you again. Tony.

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