Do No Harm Book Review

Title: Do No Harm

Author: Jack Jordon

ISBN: 9781398505674

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Pages: 432

Source: Review copy from the publisher

Blog Tour Organised by Random Things Tours

My son has been taken. And I’ve been given a choice…
Kill a patient on the operating table. Or never see him again.

The man lies on the table in front of me.
As a surgeon, it’s my job to save him.
As a mother, I know I must kill him.
You might think that I’m a monster.
But there really is only one choice.
I must get away with murder.
Or I will never see my son again.


Official Summary

09 June 2022

If you are looking for a late-night read, look no further. This unique, gripping tale is guaranteed to have you up all night. The author looks at how far a mother will go to protect her child as well as how the lives we lead can affect our perspective and decisions. This book is a fast-paced edge-of-your-seat read that is impossible to put down. The author tells a moving, emotionally charged tale with a moral question at its core. Do No Harm is a fantastic take on medical ethics and a mother’s love for her child.

Being my first encounter with Jack Jordan I had no idea what to expect and found myself quickly deeply drawn into this story. The author tells a story that includes a lot of medical know-how leaving you engrossed and entertained. The knowledge and research into heart surgery shine through in the writing while never leaving you feeling bored with jargon beyond your understanding. I loved the balance between detail and emotion that is maintained from start to finish.

When Dr Anna Jones returns home from work to find strange men all over her house, she is convinced that her soon to be ex-husband has done it again. She never imagined what was waiting for her inside. Entering the house she discovers that these men have taken her eight-year-old son, killed the neighbour who was watching him and if she hopes to ever see her child again she will have to kill a patient on her operating table and get away with it.

Anna took an oath to do no harm, but this is different, this is her only child, is it really a choice? As a surgeon, she has spent a lifetime deciding which patient will live and which will die….. but can she get away with it? Can she keep her emotions in check and live with the consequences of her action even when the police are breathing over her shoulder?

I really could not get enough of this book, reading late into the night to see what Anna would do next. As a mother, it seems logical that no matter what you would always pick your child, but at what price. The ethical dilemma this woman faces is more than anyone could imagine, How do you kill someone, when it has been your life’s work to save lives. My heart broke for this woman.

Anna Jones comes across as a cold, heartless woman. Someone who has mastered the art of hiding her emotions. Someone who has had her share of death and breaking the bad news to relatives. The author created a fantastic character in Anna. Allowing the reader to understand that while her career has allowed her to hone the skill of staying distant, she feels deeply and carries a lot of emotion within her. I could feel her pain and understand her choices. Even if at times I felt as if she was simply digging an even deeper hole for herself. I loved how she could make the tough the tough decisions that were needed to save her child. This is an incredible mother.

No doubt, Do No Harm has flown onto my loved list for 2022 and I cannot wait to see what else Jack Jordon has to offer. This book is a remarkably moving read and I cannot recommend this one highly enough.

If you are a mother, keen on gripping, all night read that will leave you wondering if you had this much love and strength, then Do No Harm will be a treat. Thriller fans, you won’t want to miss this. Be sure to add this title to your TBR.

Remember to visit the other tour stops

Also by Jack Jordan

Night by Nigth

‘If you’re reading this, I’m dead.’

Rejected by her family and plagued by insomnia, Rose Shaw is on the brink. But one dark evening she collides with a man running through the streets, who quickly vanishes. The only sign he ever existed – a journal dropped at Rose’s feet.

She begins to obsessively dedicate her sleepless nights to discovering what happened to Finn Matthews, the mysterious author of the journal. Why was he convinced someone wanted to kill him? And why, in the midst of a string of murders, won’t the police investigate his disappearance?

Rose is determined to uncover the truth. But she has no idea what the truth will cost her…

About The Author

Author bio from the publisher

Jack Jordan is the global bestselling author of Anything for Her, My Girl, A Woman Scorned, Before Her Eyes, and Night by Night and an Amazon No.1 bestseller in the UK, Canada, and Australia. After selling at auction in the UK and numerous foreign territories, Do No Harm is set to be the thriller of the summer in 2022. The idea for Do No Harm came to Jack after undergoing a minor medical procedure where he had to be sedated and trust strangers with his welfare. After the anaesthesia wore off, Jack began scribbling his notes, wondering to himself just how iron-clad a surgeon’s oath is, and what it would take to break it…

Thank you to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for including me on this blog tour. What a thrilling read, I understand why they say this will just might be the thriller of the year.

Are you a Jack Jordan fan? What is your favourite book? Leave a comment below. As always, thank you for stopping by and reading my review. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did. Until next time…Happy Reading!

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