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Here you will find my ramblings, my monthly wrap-ups and new releases on their way to us. Remember to get in touch and share your thoughts.

First Anniversary

Wow, I cannot believe it! Today, one year ago, my blog went live with my first review post.  After losing my job

September in a Nutshell

Spring has Sprung! With the warmer weather that the start of our spring has brought it’s been lovely to sit outside reading

August in a Nutshell

August is my favourite month of the year, not just because it’s my birthday month. It is also the month when our

July in a Nutshell

The month of July saw a cold front moving into Pretoria, and sadly I am a big baby when it comes to

June in a Nutshell

As June draws to an end, I breathe a sigh of relief. This has been an extremely hectic month in the FEATZ

May in a Nutshell

Another month done and dusted, is it just me or is time flying this year? As we approach our winter and the

April in a Nutshell

Before starting my blog, I spent a lot of time researching what other bloggers did. I noticed just about everyone posted a

March in a Nutshell

March started well, with some relaxation on the lockdown restrictions in South Africa, venturing out to coffee shops, bookstores and restaurants become

A new month is upon us and we have some exciting things happening this March – not to mention some great new

February in a Nutshell

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2024 Reading Challenge
Zelda has read 26 books toward her goal of 100 books.
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