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Here you will find my ramblings, my monthly wrap-ups and new releases on their way to us. Remember to get in touch and share your thoughts.
June in a Nutshell
That’s a Wrap! Locally, it feels as if we have been dropped headfirst into winter. The last few weeks every day has
That’s a Wrap! The month of May is usually filled with mild pleasant days…. Who knows what has happened this year –our
That’s A Wrap! This has been a seriously unorganised month for me. It felt as if everything went wrong and on top
That’s a Wrap With March at an end it is hard to believe that the first quarter of 2023 is done and
That’s a Wrap! This month proved to be crazy busy. Unfortunately, that was more about my “day job” than the blog. I
January in a Nutshell That’s it, January 2023 is done and dusted. It is hard to believe that we have already reached
That’s a Wrap! November has ended so quickly; it feels like no more than a blur. This month has been a busy
That’s a Wrap! There is only two months left of this year – I cannot believe it. This time of the year
I could not believe it either. They say time flies when you are having fun, the two years since I started blogging
That’s a Wrap! The month of September is the start of birthday season in my house and this year everyone has big
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