Title: Dark Energy: A Brad Willis Adventure
Author: Tom Boles
ISBN: 9798512080726
Pages: 317
Source: Review copy from the Author
When renowned scientists start dying, the scientific community is on full alert. The explosions appear to be unrelated. Their only connection is that they happened in scientific centres of excellence in Switzerland and the United States. Brad Willis knows that he must uncover the secret to save more lives from being lost. MI6 calls on Willis to use his background as a renowned astronomer to infiltrate the scientists to discover the truth behind the deaths. When Willis starts to uncover the facts, everyone is under suspicion… until they start dying. The situation gets more dangerous as two hired assassins hunt him down.
Official Summary
14 December 2021
Never before have I read a book that shows an author’s passion as much as Dark Energy does. There is no doubt how much Tom Boles enjoys Astronomy. The knowledge and experience fly off the pages as you are caught up in a James Bond kind of action-adventure. Be prepared for a story that will keep you guessing as the details and action drip off the pages.
Tom Boles reached out and asked that I review Dark Energy. I remember him saying that the story is about an astronomer that saves the day. While my knowledge of astronomy is limited I quickly found myself engrossed. The author tells an intriguing story filled with knowledge on various subjects. The author includes details on various interesting locations across the world, ammunition descriptions and brilliant aviation facts. On top of all of that, you are sure to learn a thing or two about astronomy and physics. While there are a few parts of the story where the physics facts were a little intense, and slightly beyond my understanding, the author managed to keep me interested and reading.
Dr Willis is more than an astronomer. He is also an agent for British intelligence – MI6. When strange accidents at the various astronomical sites around the world seem to be linked, no one is better suited to solving the mystery than Dr Willis. As he puts his team together, he finds himself reunited with an old girlfriend from his university days and soon the spark between Dr Willis and Dr Fenwick is back in full swing. However, when their lives are in danger and Dr Willis is doubting the people, he has chosen to confide in, it becomes very clear that he is running out of time. If he wants to save Sophie and himself, he will have to undercover the truth and put his past behind him.
Dark Energy is an intense read full of facts that are guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat as you flip the pages. The author managed to create a good balance between adventure, action, mystery and just a touch of romance. I both enjoyed and hated the detail included in this story. At times I found myself battling to focus, but ultimately, I blame that on my circumstances while reading this book rather than on anything else.
Dr Willis is the lead character in this book and a lot of focus has been placed on him. To the extent that the other characters seemed to disappear into the background at times. This man has many levels and manages to come across as a geeky astronomer at one moment and a James Bond wanna be the next. He is intelligent and a little pushy, but he does save the day and wins the lady. You are left liking this strange choice of spy and enjoying the adventure he takes you on throughout the story.
I gave this book a four-star rating, while it is not exactly my genre of choice, I enjoyed the story and found myself eager to return to it. I am disappointed that I read this book during the week that I was moving house. I was exhausted when I managed to find the time to read and I feel I did not focus as much as I would have liked to. Overall, I loved this unique spy, mystery. James Bond watch out, here comes Dr Willis.
If you are a spy, adventure or technothriller fan you will find yourself quickly engrossed in this intriguing story that has you zipping between the UK, the USA, Geneva and Kazakhstan among others. You can expect a read that is full of details and descriptions including aviation, ammunition, various destinations and of course astronomy and the life of an astronomer.
Coming Soon: Shades of White

MI6 calls on Brad Willis to go to Antarctica to investigate powerful and dangerous radio surges. Their strength cannot be rationally explained. They are interfering with experiments and instrumentation. Laboratories have been damaged. People are dying.
Electrical supplies are mysteriously failing. Planes are dropping from the sky. Who is doing this? How are they doing this? Murder and sabotage impede his investigations. Brad Willis must stop them before the Antarctic base is locked down for the winter. If he fails, everyone on the base will freeze to death.
Born in Scotland a long time ago. Too long to consider. Became an astronomer after looking through a friend’s telescope at school. I saw the Seven Sisters (the Pleiades), Saturn and Jupiter all in the same night. I was hooked I went on to search for supernovae, exploding stars. I have now discovered more supernovae than any person in history. These were used to discover the acceleration of the universe and propose the existence of dark energy. Yes, It’s a real thing. This influenced me to write the story.
I am writing this review sitting in bed with my laptop as my workspace has not yet been set up. With any luck, I will rectify that soon. Thank you to Tom Boles for reaching out and sharing this unique story, and there is another book featuring Dr Willis on the way! Be sure to get your hands on a copy of this one and remember to drop me a line and share your thought. Or simply leave a comment below. I apologise for being so quiet lately, but I will be back in full swing very soon. Until next time… Happy Reading!