Bloodstone Book Review

Title: Bloodstone The Curse of Time

Author: M.J. Mallon


Publisher: Next Chapter Publishing

Pages: 270

Source: Review Copy from the Publisher

Tour Organised by Blackberry Book Tours

I didn’t think my life could get weirder, but I was wrong…

Fifteen-year-old Amelina Scott lives in Cambridge with her dysfunctional family, a mysterious black cat, and an unusual girl who is imprisoned within the mirrors located in her house.

When an unexpected message arrives inviting her to visit the Crystal Cottage, she sets off on a forbidden path where she encounters Ryder: a charismatic, perplexing stranger.

With the help of a magical paint set and some crystal wizard stones, can Amelina discover the truth about her family?

A unique, imaginative mystery full of magic-wielding and dark elements, Bloodstone is a riveting adventure for anyone interested in fantasy, mythology or the world of the paranormal.

Official Summary

Trigger Warning: This book contains some self-harm content

25 November 2021

This book is about Amelina, a teenage girl who goes on an adventure to discover the truth about her family.

I loved how unique this story is. Like the idea of a paint set talking and the crystal wizard stones was just hilarious to me. It made the book so strange and fun to read.

I will say the one thing I loved about this book is that you didn’t have the world-building drag on for hundreds of pages. This is great and didn’t have the story drag on and was quite a fast-paced read.

I really liked Esme, the girl in the mirror. I’m actually not sure why there was just something about her character that left me wanting to know more about her.

My least favourite character was of course Ryder. The author did an amazing job with this character. He was clearly written for you to dislike him and oh boy did I dislike him. I loved the fact that Amelina didn’t fall for his stupid act. I also loved how strong and level headed she was. I liked that she didn’t just stop her life, just because some guy come into the picture.

I find this happens a lot in YA, where the main female character’s life revolves around a boy. Because a girl can’t possibly have any other interests except for her love life. So I adored the fact that that didn’t happen in this book.

I enjoyed this book and would defiantly recommend it.

About The Author

Author bio from the publisher

My alter ego is MJ – Mary Jane from Spiderman. I love superheros!

M J Mallon was born in Lion city Singapore, a passionate Scorpio with the Chinese Zodiac sign of a lucky rabbit. She spent her early childhood in Hong Kong. During her teen years, she returned to her father’s childhood home, Edinburgh where she spent many happy years, entertained and enthralled by her parents’ vivid stories of living and working abroad. Perhaps it was during these formative years that her love of writing began inspired by their vivid storytelling. She counts herself lucky to have travelled to many far-flung destinations and this early wanderlust has fuelled her present desire to emigrate abroad. Until that wondrous moment, it’s rumoured that she lives in the UK, in the Venice of Cambridge with her six-foot hunk of a rock god husband. Her two enchanting daughters have flown the nest but often return with a cheery, heart-warming smile to greet her.

MJ’s writing credits also include a multi-genre approach: paranormal, best-selling horror, supernatural short stories, flash fiction, and poetry.  he has worked with some amazing authors and bloggers compiling an anthology/compilation set during the early stages of COVID-19 entitled This Is Lockdown and later she wrote a spin off poetry collection, Lockdown Innit.

She’s been blogging for many moons at her blog home Kyrosmagica, (which means Crystal Magic,) where she celebrates the spiritual realm,her love of nature, crystals and all things magical, mystical, and mysterious.

MJ’s motto is…

To always do what you Love, stay true to your heart’s desires, and inspire others to do so too, even if it appears that the odds are stacked against you like black hearted shadows.

Her favourite genre to write is

Fantasy/magical realism because life would be dull unless it is sprinkled with a liberal dash of extraordinarily imaginative magic!

Thanks for reading let me know what you think in the comments below.

Goodbye, my little book nerds…

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