Blood Sugar Book Review

Title: Blood Sugar

Author: Sascha Rothchild

ISBN: 978 1 3987 0561 6

Publisher: Orion Books

Pages: 328

Source: Review copy from Jonathan Ball Publishers

“I could just kill you right now!” It’s something we’ve all thought at one time or another. But Ruby has actually acted on it. Three times, to be exact.

Though she may be a murderer, Ruby is not a sociopath. She is an animal-loving therapist with a thriving practice. She’s felt empathy and sympathy. She’s had long-lasting friendships and relationships, and has a husband, Jason, whom she adores. But the homicide detectives at Miami Beach PD are not convinced of her happy marriage. When we meet Ruby, she is in a police interrogation room, being accused of Jason’s murder. Which, ironically, is one murder that she did not commit, though her vicious mother-in-law and a scandal-obsessed public believe differently. As she undergoes questioning, Ruby’s mind races back to all the details of her life that led her to this exact moment, and to the three dead bodies in her wake. Because though she may not have killed her husband, Ruby certainly isn’t innocent.

Alternating between Ruby’s memories of her past crimes and her present-day fight to clear her name, Blood Sugar is a twisty, clever debut with an unforgettable protagonist who you can’t help but root for—an addicting mixture of sour and sweet.

Official Summary

21 July 2011

For a change judging a book by its cover paid off. I requested this book for review because the cover caught my eye, and am I glad I did. This book deserves attention. This is an utterly brilliant read that you simply must read.

This is a different look at a serial killer, a killer who kills intending to make the world a better place. This character will steal your heart, even when she kills.

The author tells this story from Ruby Simon’s perspective and while you read it feels as if Ruby is speaking to you, telling you her life story. I found myself pulled into the conversation and bonding with Ruby as I turned the pages. This book felt different to your everyday thriller, making it a wonderful reading experience.

Ruby Simon is a driven, motivated young woman who knows exactly what she wants from life. She is not afraid to work hard for what she wants. She loves her family and friends; she is loyal and will do whatever needs to be done to look after those she loves. When she meets Jason, she knows she has met the one. Jason suffers from type 1 diabetes and when he dies in his sleep, Ruby is accused of murder. She might not be innocent, but she did not kill Jason and the idea of people believing that she did is unbearable. How is she to convince the police of her innocence when innocent is the one thing she is not?

I raced through this book. I could not get enough. I loved how it felt as if I was sitting listening to Ruby talk to me. Ruby is a serial killer, yet I found myself adoring this woman.

When you pick up this book you are introduced to a truly unique woman. Ruby is intelligent, motivated and driven. She forges her way through life with a deep bond with her sister and a love for animals of all kinds. She is caring and loving. She does not burden other people with the choices she makes and is determined to not negatively affect those she loves in any way. The woman might be a serial killer, but I found myself loving her. She is an unlikely heroine that will leave you looking at the world just a little differently.

This book has sailed into my top ten for the year. It is a unique, gripping tale that you simply must read!

If you are looking for a unique psychological thriller that does not have any gory details, a likeable killer and loads of adorable animals, then you really need to get a copy of this book. But prepare yourself, you are going to find yourself loving this serial killer.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough – this is a must-read!

About The Author

Author bio from Good Reads

Sascha Rothchild grew up in South Beach and excelled in school although not at the expense of causing trouble. Her defiant teen years are infamously portrayed on the national radio show This American Life.
After majoring in playwriting at Boston College and graduating summa cum laude, Sascha moved to Los Angeles to begin her television writing career. She broke into the tv and film business when her humorous personal essays published in LA Weekly got the attention of movie studios. Her article How To Get Divorced By 30 was optioned by Universal Studios and she was given a book deal by Penguin. She was then hired to write the feature for the studio, putting her on the Hollywood map, and her memoir How To Get Divorced by 30 garnered lots of buzz. She then went on to also sell feature films to Dreamworks, Sony, Paramount, Disney and Fox.
She shifted her attention to television, her original goal, and sold a comedy pilot to NBC. She was also staffed as a writer and Consulting Producer on The CW show The Carrie Diaries. Sascha has since developed original TV pilots for Freeform, ABC, The CW, HBO and Netflix. She was named one of ten “writers to watch” by Variety in 2014.
For the past three years she has been writing and co-executive producing the Emmy nominated Netflix series GLOW as well as writing and producing the Netflix show Huge In France. She also wrote and co-executive produced the fourth season of the lauded Freeform/Hulu show The Bold Type and is currently an Executive Producer and writer on the hit Netflix series, The Babysitters Club. Sascha continues to also write personal essays, the most recent was published by Elle Magazine.
Sascha is thrilled to announce that her debut novel, Blood Sugar, is being published by Putnam in the Spring of 2022.

Thank you to Jonathan Ball Publishers for this brilliant review copy. This is an utterly brilliant, entirely original story you simply do not want to miss. Thank you for stopping by and reading my review, I just know you will love this book. Remember to drop me line when you have read it to share your thoughts. Until next time…Happy Reading!

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