He took me in when I had nowhere else to go. He doesn’t use me, hurt me, or forget about me. He listens to me, protects me, and sees me. I can feel his eyes on me over the breakfast table, and my heart pumps so hard when I hear him pull in the driveway after work.
I have to stop this. It can’t happen.
My sister once told me there are no good men, and if you find one, he’s probably unavailable. Only Pike Lawson isn’t the unavailable one.
I am.
I took her in because I thought I was helping. As the days go by, though, it’s becoming anything but easy. I have to stop my mind from drifting to her and stop holding my breath every time I bump into her in the house. I can’t touch her, and I shouldn’t want to.
But we’re not free to give into this. She’s nineteen, and I’m thirty-eight.
And her boyfriend’s father.
Unfortunately, they both just moved into my house.
Official Summary
Okay so Birthday Girl, I had seen this book all over Twitter and everyone had nothing but great things to say about it, so I decided to read it. Now, had I stopped and read the blurb for the book I would have realized this book was not for me. I would just like to say if you are a fan of this book I’m sorry. This book just isn’t my cup of tea.
My biggest problem in this book is the age gap however not for the reason you would think. I would have no problem with the age gap if the power dynamic wasn’t so unhealthy. There are countless times where Pike talks down to Jordan and even at times treats her like a daughter. That is something I just couldn’t get over. I don’t like that he tells her who she can hang out with, what she can wear, and how she should spend her time.
The book had no purpose, there was no real plot. The whole book is just Jordan and Pike pinning over each other and Cole occasionally showing up and being a jerk. At first, I thought the plot of the book was going to be about Jordan finding her way in the world and her realising she doesn’t need a man in her life to be happy. But no, because that would mean Jordan wasn’t such a shallow two-dimensional character.
It honestly shocks me that a woman wrote this character, she has all the traits of a woman being written by a man. I didn’t like how the author just brushed past all her past experiences, it felt like all her past trauma was just swept under the rug.
I think the reason I dislike Jordon is surprisingly how Cole is written, Cole is written as this annoying teenage jerk who stays out all night. Now in my personal opinion, Cole was the only one in the whole book who was acting his age. I didn’t like how Cole was villainized because he was being a normal nineteen-year-old. Jordon was supposed to be seen as this girl who was so mature and I felt like her maturity was forced as the author was trying to make the relationship between the barely legal teen and almost forty-year-old seem okay. Like it was funny how many times the author tries to tell us that Jordan is so mature.
The last thing that I didn’t love was overall how Cole’s character was written. I felt that making Cole so unlikable and such a jerk was cheap because it had even me wishing she would leave him for someone else. I don’t like that he was called out for cheating however Jordan never was. Yes, Jordan and Pike never did anything until Cole and Jordan were broken up, so there was no physical cheating but there was defiantly emotional cheating.
Overall despite the power dynamic not being my thing, the book wasn’t the worst I’ve ever read. I found it to be a quick read, I think I read it in about three days. I enjoyed the fact that there was no huge argument in the end and that things were dealt with well. I liked how the overall story was tied up.
Author: Penelope Douglas – ISBN: 1976333083 – Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform – Pages: 349- Source: Library eBook
About The Author
Author Bio from the Author’s Site
Hi! My name is Penelope Douglas, and I write romance. New adult, erotica, a little contemporary… Really whatever is calling me at the moment. I believe a good writer can spin any story in a way with which you’ll connect, and I endeavour to do just that with every book I write. Not many topics are too taboo for me. I love breaking rules, and I love taking myself out of my comfort zone.
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Goodbye, my little book nerds…