That’s a Wrap!
My husband recently mentioned that the end of April marks a third of the year gone, well that statement knocked me for six. I cannot believe how time is flying, I must be getting old. When you read this post, I will officially be an empty nester, both my daughters have now left home. (Luckily, at least one is still close enough to pop round for a visit if I miss her too much). I saw a post on Instagram that said; “ A mother’s job is to teach her children not to need her, and the hardest part is accepting that she succeeded.” I have just discovered how true those words are.
Enough about my family life. What has happened on the blog during April? We shared three blog tour reviews, four audiobook reviews, two of Alicia’s reviews, one buddy read review and four hard copy reviews (Three being review copies from Jonathan Ball Publishers). I am rather happy with the fourteen new reviews shared. If you missed any, here are all the books we reviewed in April.
My Book of the Month
The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose

That’s it, another month of reading some amazing books and discovering some brilliant new-to-me authors. My goal for May is to make a dent in my personal TBR, right now I have sixty-one books waiting on my physical TBR, and I have ordered a few more which will arrive during May, and I know my girls will be added a few for Mother’s Day as well (At least I hope they do). I am dying to read every book on my TBR shelf – so fingers crossed I can work through at least some of them.
Thank you for visiting and supporting your blog. Your regular visits make sharing the reviews a very rewarding experience. Thank you. Until next time…. Happy Reading.

Some good books read tis month!