And Then I’ll Know Book Review


Author: PJ Brady

ISBN: 978 1916 8769 41 

Pages: 300

Source: Review copy from the Author

Blog Tour Organised by Random Things Tours

A missing father, a dead mother, a child’s life torn apart.
Years later, a series of brutal murders gives Detective Sergeant Amber Ryan a chance to return to London to look into the events that took her family away.
But if there is a link between the modern-day murders, an historic child abuse case and her father’s disappearance, it is buried deep.
Is Amber seeing connections that just aren’t there? Or is there a darker secret behind the lies people keep telling her? Working with a new team, she must decide who to trust, and above all answer one question.
How far will she be prepared to go uncover the truth and stop more women dying?
And Then I’ll Know… explores the theme of men’s violent towards women in all its forms, the subtle to the extreme, through the medium of a crime novel with a killer twist.
It is the first in a planned series featuring Amber Ryan, a police officer who is just starting to learn when to bend the rules and when to break them.

Official Summary

06 July 2023

I was not sure what to expect when reaching for this book. And Then I’ll Know turned out to be a gripping, edge-of-your-seat crime novel that kept me hooked from start to end. This book is full of surprises and delivers a final twist that is both shocking and heartbreaking. You will not be left disappointed by this one.

The author breaks the story up between then and now chapters, allowing you to experience the story in two timelines. The details slowly filter through and the more you learn the more you find the story crawling in under your skin. I loved the way this book slowly grabbed hold of my attention and then would not let go.

Amber Ryan’s dad has been missing for more than twenty years. As a police detective, she grabs the opportunity to assist on a case that might be linked to the last case her father worked on. While keeping her motives to herself, and the truth about her dad away from her superiors she starts digging into the past determined to find out what happened to her father. With no idea who she can trust, she works alone and soon finds herself in trouble she did not expect.

This story centres around Amber’s loss and the event of her childhood which she saw through the eyes of a child. I loved the detail she remembered and how she battled to fit the pieces of the past into place. The author did a fabulous job combining childhood memories with a murder investigation. The final twist in the book is heartbreaking and very unexpected.

Amber Ryan is a brilliant character and you get to know her not only as an adult but as a child as well. I loved the innocence of little Amber. She was protected by the adults in her life which helped her to become a determined woman hunting for the truth about her father’s disappearance.

This is a book that left me racing for the end. I loved the hunt for the truth and could not get there fast enough.

If you are keen on a crime novel that brings the past and present together, then this is a book you do not want to miss. The best part is that this book is full of twists and turns that will keep you wide awake as you flip pages eagerly joining the character in her hunt for the truth.


About The Author

Author bio from the author’s site

The author lives in London with a partner, two children and some animals, which also like to call the house home. Previously published books are The Meal of Fortune and Tinker Tailor Solider Chef, two mildly successful comedy thrillers. And Then I’ll Know is a first foray into the world of serious crime writing.

Thank you to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for including me on this blog tour. This book proved to be a gripping read that was full of twists and loads of emotion.

Thank you for visiting the blog and reading my review. Do you enjoy crime fiction? What is your favourite crime book? Leave a comment below.

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