All The Wicked Games Book Review

Title: All The Wicked Games

Author: Lauren North

ISBN: 9780552177962

Publisher: Penguin UK, Transworld Publishers

Pages: 368

Source: Review copy from NetGalley

‘Dark and addictive, twisty and twisted…phenomenal!’ Andrea Mara, author of ALL HER FAULT
Are you ready to play?
Best friends Cleo and Rachel spend their evenings pretending to be people they’re not, inventing elaborate stories to escape the monotony of their real lives. It’s all harmless fun – until they play the game on the wrong person…
It’s your move now.
Five years later, Cleo is still struggling to come to terms with the night that destroyed her friendship with Rachel and almost cost them their lives. And then she receives a text: Rachel is missing. Have you seen her?
There’s only one person to blame.
Wracked with guilt for failing Rachel the last time they were in danger, Cleo races to find her friend. But could the past be repeating itself? Only this time, they’re caught up in a far darker game.
The rules don’t matter when the goal is revenge.

Official Summary

08 August 2022

I participated in a blog tour for one of Lauren North’s other books in September last year. When I saw her name appear while scrolling through NetGalley I did not think twice about requesting a copy of this book.

Reaching for All The Wicked Games, you will find yourself wanting to read non-stop. This tale about friendship and guilt will haunt you as flip from page to page. It is a fast-paced, gripping read that keeps you glued to the pages.

Lauren North tells this story from Cleo and Rachel’s point of view moving between now and five years ago. I love the way she moves between then and now revealing events piece by piece. I found myself completely engrossed and battled to drag myself away. This book will keep you entertained from start to end.

Cleo and Rachel are best friends. Living together they are waiting for the big break into the make-up artist world. They dream big, but in the meantime, life must go on, and everyday life is rather boring when you are broke. To entertain themselves they s[end their evenings online, chatting to strangers and making up elaborate stories. It’s all just for fun. Until they play with the wrong man.

One man and one horrific night and it’s the end of a friendship. But five years later, Cleo receives a message that Rachel is missing. Rachel was her best friend, off course she will put her life on hold and do whatever she needs to, as long as she can save Rachel. Returning to her old life, Cleo discovers the game is starting again.

What a brilliant read. Lauren North had me glued to the pages of this book. I loved the friendship between these two women. The author brought these characters to life allowing the reader to share their bond. The ending was brilliant, I loved it.

These two women, struggling to find their way in the world and trying to realise their dreams while surviving day-to-day life was beautifully realistic. The author did a marvellous job sharing the bond between these women. It’s difficult to pick a favourite, both these characters are stunning creations.

Psychological thrillers fans can expect a treat with this story of friendship, jealousy and dangerous games. You will battle to walk away from this gripping read. Be sure to add this one to your TBR, you will not be left disappointed.

Also by Lauren North

Safe House

She wasn’t gone for long. Her daughter should have been Safe at Home…

What if you left your child alone, and something terrible happened? Anna James is an anxious mother. So when she has to leave eleven-year-old Harrie home alone one evening, she can’t stop worrying about her daughter. But nothing bad ever happens in the sleepy village of Barton St Martin.

Except something goes wrong that night, and Anna returns to find Harrie with bruises she won’t explain. The next morning a local businessman is reported missing and the village is sparking with gossip.

Anna is convinced there’s a connection and that Harrie is in trouble. But how can she protect her daughter if she doesn’t know where the danger is coming from?

About The Author

Author bio from the author’s site

Lauren writes psychological suspense novels that delve into the darker side of relationships and families. She has a lifelong passion for writing, reading, and all things books.
Lauren’s love of psychological suspense has grown since childhood and her dark imagination of always wondering what’s the worst thing that could happen in every situation.
Lauren studied psychology before moving to London where she lived and worked for many years. She now lives with her family in the Suffolk countryside.
Lauren, alongside fellow author Lesley Kara, co-hosts In Suspense, a podcast and vodcast for fans and writers of crime fiction. 

Thank you for visiting the blog, your continued support has been overwhelming. I could not get through this book fast enough. I enjoyed the story and will keep an eye out for more books from this author. Lauren North tells a twisty tale that draws you deep into the character’s world. I have no doubt you will love this book as much as I did and highly recommend you add this one to your TBR. Until next time…Happy Reading!

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